Kína Aviation Seat Púði eldsneytisbrennslu System Framleiðendur og Birgjar | Skyline

Aviation Seat Púði eldsneytisbrennslu System

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The NexGen flug eldsneyti brennari samþykkt FAA Federal Aviation Administration í Bandaríkjunum er hægt að nota til brennslu eldsneytis prófun mörgum efnum flugmála.

  • Min.Order Magn: 1 eining
  • Verð: samningsatriði
  • Pakki: Krossviður Case
  • Gerð: SL835
  • Staðlar: AITM 2,0009, BSS 7303
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    Aviation Seat Cushion Fuel Combustion System

    Product Introduction of Aviation Seat Cushion Fuel Combustion System

    The NexGen flug eldsneyti brennari samþykkt FAA Federal Aviation Administration í Bandaríkjunum er hægt að nota til brennslu eldsneytis prófun mörgum efnum flugmála. Eins og Park DPL 3400, Lennox Model OB-32 og Carlin Model 200 CRD áður viðurkennt af Flugmálastjórn Bandaríkjanna hafa öll verið hætt, FAA hefur þróað NexGen brennari fyrir næstu kynslóð brennara flug eldsneyti. NexGen combustor samþykkir rekstur regluna um fyrri kynslóð combustor, og geta nákvæmlega mæla próf breytur af the inntak gas og eldsneyti. Á sama tíma, tækið getur auðvelda framtíð uppfærsla á FAA.

    Fuel combustion test of seat cushion on aircraft can be carried out by cooperating with seat cushion test frame and dynamic running device.

    Vara Gæðakröfur  of the Aviation Seat Púði eldsneytisbrennslu System

    1. The conical cylinder of burner is made of corrosion resistant and high temperature resistant alloy.
    2. NexGen Aviation eldsneyti brennara felur í sér spoiler, eldsneyti stútur, kveikihleðslu, eldsneyti járnbrautum, fixer, loftræsting hólknum og skel, muffler, hljóðstreymisnema mótstöðu og aðra hluti.
    3. Equipped with fuel pressure gauge, fuel solenoid valve, fuel temperature detection device, air pressure regulating valve, air temperature detection device;
    4. Equipped with a gas and air temperature control device ice bath with a volume not less than 2 x 0.14 m3, the fuel temperature can be controlled.
    5. Með því að breyta eldsneyti stútur og loftþrýsting inntak, mismunandi staðla próf er hægt að uppfylla.
    6. The burner covers the fuel pipeline and fuselage with insulation blanket.
    7. The flame temperature provided by NexGen aviation fuel burner is not less than: 2000 +50;
    8. NexGen flug eldsneyti brennari geta veitt ekki minna en 10.6w / cm2 af loga varmaflæði.
    9. Module unit of NexGen burner support system;
    10. Powder coated steel frame, including an integrated digital ruler;
    11. Calibrable weighing unit;
    12. Movable seat cushion test device, movable drip collecting tray;
    13.Seven ceramic-encapsulated, metal sheaths and grounded K-type (nickel-chromium-nickel-aluminium) thermocouples with a diameter of 1.6 mm should be used for calibration. Their conductors should have an external diameter of 0.254 mm, a cross-sectional area of 0.0507 mm2 and a resistance of 361_/km (American wire gauge 30 AWG). The thermocouple should be fixed on an angle steel bracket to form a thermocouple comb so that it can be placed on the sample bracket during calibration.
    14. The heat radiation flux sensor is equipped with a cooling device and installed on a fixed bracket.

    Vara  breytur af  Aviation Seat Púði eldsneytisbrennslu System

    Applications: Aviation Materials

    Standard: AITM Airbus Standard: AITM 2,0009
    BSS Boeing Staðlaðar: BSS 7303
    FAA Federal Aviation Administration: FAR PART 25 Viðauki F Part II

     mál  1500 mm (W) x 1800 mm (H) x 900 mm
     þyngd  150 KG
     rafmagn kröfur  220V, 10A
     hitastig 10 ℃ til 35 ℃
     eldsneytisþörf  þotueldsneyti
     gas kröfur  ekki síður en 120 PSI loft þjöppu 

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