China SL-FL25 Heat Transfer Index Test Apparatus Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

SL-FL25 Heat Transfer Index Test Apparatus

Qisqa Tasvir:

konvektiv issiqlik qarshilik sinov qurilma EN367 va ISO9151 test standartlarga muvofiq ishlab chiqilgan. sinov tamoyili namunadagi tubiga olov ta'siri 12 yoki 24 daraja ko'tariladi namunadagi qaytarib harorat uchun zarur sinov vaqt o'lchash uchun emas.

  • Min.order Soni: 1 birligi
  • Narx: sof bo'lishi
  • Siz: kontrplak ishini
  • : Model SL-FL25
  • Standartlar: AQ 6103, ISO 9151: 1995, CSN ENG 367: 1992
  • Mahsulot batafsil

    Mahsulot teglar

    Heat Transfer Index Test Apparatus for Evaluate the Thermal Protection Performance of Protective Clothing Fabrics

    Product introduction of the Issiqlik uzatish Index viktorina apparatidan

    A new term heat transfer index (HTI) has been introduced to avoid confusion with the thermal protective index (TPI) or other terms used in previous versions of this test. HTI calculated from the mean time in seconds to achieve a temperature rise of 24±0.2℃ when testing by this method using a copper disc and a starting temperature of 25±5℃. The heat transfer index provides a method of grading materials which does not imply that the material tested will give any precise protective time under actual use conditions.​
    The convective heat resistance test device is developed according to EN367 and ISO9151 test standards, and meets the requirements of the convective heat resistance test standard of domestic AQ 6103-2007 welder protective gloves. The test results are thermal protection index (HTI). The principle of the test is to measure the test time required for the back temperature of the sample to rise 12 or 24 degrees by the impact of flame on the bottom of the sample. The average value of the three tests is recorded as thermal protection index (HTI), which is used to evaluate the thermal protection performance of the protective clothing fabric.

    Mahsulot  parametrlari Issiqlik uzatish Index viktorina apparatidan

    standartlari AQ 6103, ISO 9151: 1995, CSN ENG 367: 1992
    ariza Xavfsizlik himoyasi
    hajmi 600 * * 600mm 100 (W * H * D)
    vazn 27KG
    elektr talablar 220V, 50Hz
    o'rnatish Tutun qalpoq joylashtirish
    vaqt diapazoni 0-100s
    Namuna hajmi 140 x 140 mm
    Gaz Manba talablar Propan va havo Compressor gaz
    kalorimetre diametri Φ40
    Testing atrof-muhit 25 + 5 ℃

    Mahsulot  Feature of the Issiqlik uzatish Index viktorina apparatidan
    Bu raqamli olov harorati, o'lchov harorat va vaqt ko'rsatishi mumkin.
    Apparat ENG ENG 367 va ISO9151 standartlariga muvofiq ishlab chiqilgan va ishlab chiqarilgan.
    Apparat printer, qopqoq sahifasida va mis kalorimetrenin bilan namuna egasining iborat.
    Qopqoq sahifa va namuna ega avtomatik ravishda dastur tomonidan nazorat qilinadi pnevmatik uzatish orqali nazorat qilinadi.
    80KW bir voqea issiqlik Top reyting duchor A gorizontal yo'naltirilgan sinov namunasi / uning ostida bir Meker ulamo alangasini ㎡from.
    Namunasi o'tib issiqlik namunasi bilan yuqori va kontakt haqida kichik mis kalorimetresinin orqali o'lchanadi.
    Vaqt 12 yoki 24 bir harorat ko'tarilishini yozib olish ℃ kalorimetre soniya qayd etiladi.
    Kalorimetre sovutish qurilma test vaqtini qisqartirishi.
    Uch sinov namunalari uchun o'rtacha natija HTI hisoblanadi.
    80 kVt issiqlik oqimi zichligi kalibrlash / softwa tomonidan avtomatik tarzda amalga ㎡is
    Instrument xususiyatlari
     Mahsulot  application of the Issiqlik uzatish Index viktorina apparatidan
    himoya materiallari uchun konvektiv issiqlik qarshilik sinov qurilma asosan to'qimachilik, yong'in materiallari va boshqa materiallar konvektiv issiqlik qarshilik o'lchash uchun ishlatiladigan bir vosita hisoblanadi.

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