China SL-FL67 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
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SL-FL67 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device

Pondok Description:

En 50399 hususna aparatur jeung métode test keur assessment sumebar seuneu nangtung, sékrési panas sarta produksi haseup kawat vertikal-dipasang bunched atanapi kabel, listrik atawa optik, dina kaayaan tangtu.

  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-FL67
  • Standar: DIN en 50399: 2017, en 50399
  • jéntré produk

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    DIN EN 50399:2017 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device with Stainless Steel Two-Way Speed Probe

    Bubuka produk tina  Kawat na Cable Panas Release Test Alat

    En 50399 hususna aparatur jeung métode test keur assessment sumebar seuneu nangtung, sékrési panas sarta produksi haseup kawat vertikal-dipasang bunched atanapi kabel, listrik atawa optik, dina kaayaan tangtu. En 50399 rinci aparatur sarta susunan jeung calibration of instrumentation ka jadi dipasang guna ngukur pelepasan panas sarta produksi haseup mangsa uji seuneu. prosedur test bisa dipaké pikeun jenis nguji persetujuan pikeun klasifikasi kabel di Euroclasses B1ca, B2ca, Cca na Dca anu dibikeun.

    Produk parameter tina  Kawat na Cable Panas Release Test Alat

    1. Test chamber has the dimension of 1,000±100(W) x 2,000±100(D) x 4,000±100(H) mm. The bottom surface of the test chamber is higher than the ground while the rear side is supplemented with insulated material to insulate it from heat.
    2. At the lower section of the test chamber, there is a 800±20(W) x 400±10(D) sized hole at the 150±10mm position from the front side of the chamber to supply the air.
    3. There is a 300±30(W)x1,000±100(D) sized exhaust hole at the rear corner of the top section of the test chamber to allow emission of the smoke during the test.
    4. A flame trap is installed at the front side of the burner of the vertical flame spread tester to prevent backfire by propane to ensure the utmost safety.
    5. Unlike the conventional IEC60332-3 equipment, the vertical flame spread tester records all control and test conditions with the computer to add user friendliness.
    6. If stop the excessive combustion test due to Water Spray device installed for extinguish.
    7. The program on the requirement on standard and 70,000Btu/h can be program.
    8. Wide stainless steel ladder dimensions: 500(W) ×3, 500(H) mm.
    9. Standard stainless steel ladder dimensions: 800(W) ×3, 500(H).
    10. Two sets of standard propane burner and venturi mixtures.
    11. Follow the standard category can program for select a test.
    12. Exhaust system consists of smoke collection hood,exhaust duct, air inlet system, Centrifugal fan and frequency converter.
    13. The duct section houses all gas sampling probes, temperature and mass flow probes and has ports for the smoke measuring system.
    14. Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer, using the method of paramagnetic change to measure the concentration of oxygen in the gas. Concentration range of 0-25%.
    15. Carbon Dioxide Analyser (infrared) for use in heat release measurement. Concentration range of 0-10%.
    16. Soot filter, cold trap, drying column, pump and waste regulators for conditioning the sample gases prior to analysis.
    17. Dataacquisition system and software.

    Feature produk na Aplikasi tina  Kawat na Cable Panas Release Test Alat

    1. Standar 19 Unit kabinét, kaasup paramagnetic O2, non-dispersive analyzer gas CO2 infra red;
    2. Taiwan Advantech acquisition data dewan 1 set, bisa ngumpulkeun hawa, bédana tekanan gas na analyzer data gas, jsb .;
    3. steel baja dua arah speed usik, ku set alat deteksi tekanan angin kayaning sensor tekanan diferensial mikro;
    4. Amerika omega K-tipe thermocouple 3, detecting gas na STP flue 1 set;
    5. dilengkepan susunan alat kempelan gas usik, disambung ku pipa PTFE, bisa ngumpulkeun gas corrosive;
    6. Dehumidifying tiis bubu, aliran gas ajeg tur regulator tegangan, 1 set tina alat matak pompa kempelan gas Amérika, dilengkepan pipe stainless steel sarta sambungan selang PTFE;
    7. An incandescent lamp smoke density measuring system comprising an incandescent light source and a silicon photodiode receiving device;
    8. dilengkepan 5 saringan nétral, optik rentang dénsitas 0.1-2;
    9. 4 diimpor Alat aliran massa controller, dilengkepan tekanan ngurangan valves, valves solenoid, jsb .;
    10. Standar test software, kaasup prosedur calibration, sarta bisa dipaké pikeun uji ngaduruk monomér;
    11. dilengkepan 1 set tina komputer tur printer alat;
    Alat-alat 12. Test kayaning pipe knalpot jeung kipas centrifugal;
    Controllers aliran massa propana 13. Dua;
    Controllers aliran massa hawa 14. Dua;
    15. 22.5KW na 30KW calibration seuneu bisa dipigawé ku aliran massa controller akting dina burner tunggal;
    Kawat 16. kebat sarta alat sambungan kabel kaduruk test.

    Aplikasi: Sistim test mangrupakeun uji seuneu sedeng skala simulating dibuntel sambungan kabel atawa serat optik kabel. Sambungan kabel test anu dipasang dina tangga baja nangtung baku sarta ignited ku sumber ignition ditangtukeun pikeun evaluate paripolah durukan na durukan kinerja kabel. Data kinerja durukan pikeun tahap awal hiji seuneu kabel,

    Ujian Nasional laju release panas ngagambarkeun bahaya tina seuneu nyebarkeun sapanjang sambungan kabel jeung dampak poténsi sumber seuneu dina aréa anu tangtu. Dénsitas haseup test nempokeun nu pisibilitas wewengkon seuneu jeung bahaya haseup ka kasalametan pribadi.

    Rincian produk tina Kawat na Cable Panas Release Test Alat

    En 50399 aparat Test anu diwangun ku IEC 60332-3 aparat, sékrési ukur panas, probability density ukur haseup sarta dirobah Sistim inlet hawa. Ieu dilakonan ku pas hiji bagian instrumented leutik ducting kana sistem haseup geger jeung maké ieu kalawan dimaksudkeun instrumentation analisis gas na software. Bagian saluran imah kabeh gas sampling panyilidikan, hawa jeung aliran panyilidikan massa sarta ngabogaan palabuhan pikeun sistem haseup ukur.
    Test bisa nangtukeun ciri di handap ieu tina sambungan kabel atawa sambungan kabel dina kaayaan durukan tangtu:
    hirupkeun sumebar hirupkeun Sumebarna FS
    Panas Release Laju Panas Release Laju HRR
    Jumlah release panas Jumlah Panas Release THR
    laju produksi Haseup Haseup Produksi Laju SPR
    Jumlah haseup produksi Jumlah Haseup Produksi TSP
    ngaduruk Tumuwuh Laju Index Seuneu Tumuwuh Laju FIGRA


    DIN : DIN EN 50399: 2017; en: EN 50399; GB/T 31248: 2014


    1120 mm (W) x 2200 mm (D) x 5600 mm (H)




    110V AC 60Hz / 230V AC 50Hz, 5A

    Suhu ambient

    Operasi 10 ° C nepi ka 35 ° C


    air and propane

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