China SL-FL67 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
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SL-FL67 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device

Description Gaaban:

EN 50399 qeexan u qalab iyo habab ee imtixaanka qiimaynta of faafinta olol toosan, sii daayo kulaylka iyo wax soo saarka qiiq ah fiilooyin vertical-dhajinta bunched ama fiilooyinka, korontada ama indhaha, hoos jira xaalad qeexan.

  • Min.Order Tirada: 1 unit
  • Price: gorgortami
  • Xirmo: plywood Case
  • Model: SL-FL67
  • Heerarka: Din EN 50399, 2017, EN 50399
  • Product Detail

    Product Tags

    DIN EN 50399:2017 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device with Stainless Steel Two-Way Speed Probe

    Sal-dhigida Product ah  Imtixaanka Release Wire iyo Cable Heat Device

    EN 50399 qeexan u qalab iyo habab ee imtixaanka qiimaynta of faafinta olol toosan, sii daayo kulaylka iyo wax soo saarka qiiq ah fiilooyin vertical-dhajinta bunched ama fiilooyinka, korontada ama indhaha, hoos jira xaalad qeexan. EN 50399 details ah hay'adaha iyo nidaamka iyo dhaqmaan of instrumentation in lagu rakibay si loo cabbiro sii daayo kulaylka iyo wax soo saarka qiiqa waqtiga baaritaanka dabka. nidaamka Test in loo isticmaalo baaritaanka ansixinta nooca for dirka fiilooyinka in Euroclasses B1ca, B2ca, CCA iyo DCA waa la siiyey.

    Beegyada uu Product ah  Imtixaanka Release Wire iyo Cable Heat Device

    1. Test chamber has the dimension of 1,000±100(W) x 2,000±100(D) x 4,000±100(H) mm. The bottom surface of the test chamber is higher than the ground while the rear side is supplemented with insulated material to insulate it from heat.
    2. At the lower section of the test chamber, there is a 800±20(W) x 400±10(D) sized hole at the 150±10mm position from the front side of the chamber to supply the air.
    3. There is a 300±30(W)x1,000±100(D) sized exhaust hole at the rear corner of the top section of the test chamber to allow emission of the smoke during the test.
    4. A flame trap is installed at the front side of the burner of the vertical flame spread tester to prevent backfire by propane to ensure the utmost safety.
    5. Unlike the conventional IEC60332-3 equipment, the vertical flame spread tester records all control and test conditions with the computer to add user friendliness.
    6. If stop the excessive combustion test due to Water Spray device installed for extinguish.
    7. The program on the requirement on standard and 70,000Btu/h can be program.
    8. Wide stainless steel ladder dimensions: 500(W) ×3, 500(H) mm.
    9. Standard stainless steel ladder dimensions: 800(W) ×3, 500(H).
    10. Two sets of standard propane burner and venturi mixtures.
    11. Follow the standard category can program for select a test.
    12. Exhaust system consists of smoke collection hood,exhaust duct, air inlet system, Centrifugal fan and frequency converter.
    13. The duct section houses all gas sampling probes, temperature and mass flow probes and has ports for the smoke measuring system.
    14. Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer, using the method of paramagnetic change to measure the concentration of oxygen in the gas. Concentration range of 0-25%.
    15. Carbon Dioxide Analyser (infrared) for use in heat release measurement. Concentration range of 0-10%.
    16. Soot filter, cold trap, drying column, pump and waste regulators for conditioning the sample gases prior to analysis.
    17. Dataacquisition system and software.

    Feature Product iyo Codsiga ah  Imtixaanka Release Wire iyo Cable Heat Device

    1. Standard 19 unit golaha wasiirrada, oo ay ku jiraan O2 paramagnetic, non-dispersive analyzer gaaska CO2 infrared;
    2. Taiwan Advantech helitaanka xogta guddiga 1 set, qaadan karaa heerkulka, farqiga cadaadis gaaska iyo xogta analyzer gaas, iwm .;
    3. ahama baaritaan xawaaraha labada-dhinac, la set oo ah qalabka ogaanshaha cadaadis dabayl sida shidma cadaadis kala duwan micro,
    4. United States The nooca K-Oomeega thermocouple 3, lagu ogaan karo heerkulka gaaska qiiqa 1 set;
    5. qalabaysan set oo ah qalab baaritaankoodu ururinta gaaska, ku xiran by biibiile PTFE, qaadan kartaa gaaska xoqe,
    6. Dehumidifying dabin qabow, gaaska socodka joogtada ah iyo jaangooyaha danab, 1 set oo ah qalab tuuray bamka ururinta gaaska American, qalabaysan tuubooyin bir iyo xiriir tuubada PTFE;
    7. An incandescent lamp smoke density measuring system comprising an incandescent light source and a silicon photodiode receiving device;
    8. qalabaysan 5 filtarrada dhexdhexaad ah, kala duwan oo cufnaanta indhaha of 0.1-2;
    9. 4 qalabka xakamaysada socodka mass keeno, qalabaysan cadaadis yaraynta filtarka, filtarka solenoid, iwm .;
    10. Standard software baaritaanka, oo ay ku jiraan nidaamka dhaqmaan, iyo waxaa loo isticmaali karaa baaritaanka gubashadii monomer;
    11. qalabaysan 1 set oo ah qalab computer iyo printer,
    Qalabka Test 12. sida biibiile qaaca iyo taageere culus;
    13. Laba ilaaliyaal socodka mass propane;
    14. Laba ilaaliyaal socodka mass hawada;
    15. 22.5KW iyo 30KW dhaqmaan olol waxa lagu samayn karaa xakamaysada socodka mass matalaya on hal gubi ah;
    16. Bushqad silig iyo qalab imtixaan gubashadii cable.

    Codsiga: nidaamka Baaritaanku waa tijaabo dab-heerkiisu dhex-dhexaad ah simulating guraa cable ama fiber optic cable. Cable Baaritaanka waxaa lagu rakibay on sallaan toosan Heerka birta iyo gubta by il cayiman suuroggalaan si ay u qiimeeyaan qaab dhaqanka sari iyo sari ee cable ah. Xogta waxqabadka sari waayo marxaladaha hore ee dab cable ah,

    imtixaanka ee heerka sii daayo kulaylka ka tarjumaysaa khatarta ololka faafo weheliyaan cable iyo saameynta ku iman karta meesha dabku ka on degaanka ku xeeran. cufnaanta qiiqa shows imtixaanka aragti ah ee aagga dabka iyo khatarta ah ee qiiqa ammaanka qof ahaaneed.

    Product Details ah Imtixaanka Release Wire iyo Cable Heat Device

    EN 50399 qalab Test waa kooban yihiin IEC 60332-3 qalab, cabiraada sii daayo kulaylka, cabbirka mugga qiiq iyo nidaamka tubada hawada modified. Tani waa mid ku fula suurawdo qaybta yar instrumented of ducting nidaamka dhammayn ee Riiga oo la isticmaalayo la instrumentation falanqaynta gaaska la xiriira iyo software. Qaybta koollo guryaha oo dhan gaaska sampling probes, heerkulka iyo probes socodka mass oo uu leeyahay dekedaha nidaam qiyaaseed qiiqa.
    Baaritaanku wuxuu ka heli karaa sifooyinka soo socda ee cable ama cable ku hoos jira xaalad sari gaar ah:
    Abuulahab, Faafidda Abuulahab, faafinta FS
    Heat Release Rate Heat Release Rate HRR
    Total sii daayo kulaylka Total Heat Release THR
    heerka wax soo saarka Smoke Smoke Production Rate SPR
    Total wax soo saarka qiiq Total Qiiqa Production tsp
    gubasho Growth Rate Index Fire Growth Rate FIGRA


    Din: DIN EN 50399: 2017; EN : EN 50399; GB/T 31248: 2014


    1120 mm (W) x 2200 mm (D) x 5600 mm (H)




    110V AC 60Hz / 230V AC 50Hz, 5A

    Heerkulka daarmayaay'e

    Kaxaynta 10 ° C ilaa 35 ° C


    air and propane

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