China SL-FL67 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
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SL-FL67 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

EN 50399 'sònrachadh nan uidheam agus dòighean deuchainn airson measadh dhìreach lasair sgaoileadh, teas-naidheachd agus ceò a dhèanamh dìreach a-ghearra bunched uèirichean no càbaill, dealanachd no Optical, fo na h-mhìneachadh.

  • Min.Order Quantity: 1 aonad
  • Price: aontachadh
  • Pasgan: Fiodh Case
  • Modail: SL-FL67
  • Inbhean: din EN 50399: 2017, EN 50399
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    DIN EN 50399:2017 Wire and Cable Heat Release Test Device with Stainless Steel Two-Way Speed Probe

    Bathar a 'toirt a-steach  Uèir agus Cable Heat Release inneal Test

    EN 50399 'sònrachadh nan uidheam agus dòighean deuchainn airson measadh dhìreach lasair sgaoileadh, teas-naidheachd agus ceò a dhèanamh dìreach a-ghearra bunched uèirichean no càbaill, dealanachd no Optical, fo na h-mhìneachadh. EN 50399 'mìneachadh an uidheam agus a' rèiteachadh agus calibration de na ionnsramaidean air a chur ann an òrdugh a thomhas an teas a shaoradh agus a 'cheò riochdachaidh rè an teine ​​deuchainn. Test modhan-obrach a chleachdadh airson deuchainnean-seòrsa aonta airson seòrsachadh càbaill ann Euroclasses B1ca, B2ca, CCA agus Dca a thoirt seachad.

    Bathar crìochan na  Uèir agus Cable Heat Release inneal Test

    1. Test chamber has the dimension of 1,000±100(W) x 2,000±100(D) x 4,000±100(H) mm. The bottom surface of the test chamber is higher than the ground while the rear side is supplemented with insulated material to insulate it from heat.
    2. At the lower section of the test chamber, there is a 800±20(W) x 400±10(D) sized hole at the 150±10mm position from the front side of the chamber to supply the air.
    3. There is a 300±30(W)x1,000±100(D) sized exhaust hole at the rear corner of the top section of the test chamber to allow emission of the smoke during the test.
    4. A flame trap is installed at the front side of the burner of the vertical flame spread tester to prevent backfire by propane to ensure the utmost safety.
    5. Unlike the conventional IEC60332-3 equipment, the vertical flame spread tester records all control and test conditions with the computer to add user friendliness.
    6. If stop the excessive combustion test due to Water Spray device installed for extinguish.
    7. The program on the requirement on standard and 70,000Btu/h can be program.
    8. Wide stainless steel ladder dimensions: 500(W) ×3, 500(H) mm.
    9. Standard stainless steel ladder dimensions: 800(W) ×3, 500(H).
    10. Two sets of standard propane burner and venturi mixtures.
    11. Follow the standard category can program for select a test.
    12. Exhaust system consists of smoke collection hood,exhaust duct, air inlet system, Centrifugal fan and frequency converter.
    13. The duct section houses all gas sampling probes, temperature and mass flow probes and has ports for the smoke measuring system.
    14. Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer, using the method of paramagnetic change to measure the concentration of oxygen in the gas. Concentration range of 0-25%.
    15. Carbon Dioxide Analyser (infrared) for use in heat release measurement. Concentration range of 0-10%.
    16. Soot filter, cold trap, drying column, pump and waste regulators for conditioning the sample gases prior to analysis.
    17. Dataacquisition system and software.

    Bathar Feart agus Iarrtais an  Uèir agus Cable Heat Release inneal Test

    1. Coitcheann 19 caibineat aonad, nam measg paramagnetic O2, neo-dispersive fo-dhearg CO2 gas analyzer;
    2. Taiwan Advantech dàta togail air a 'bhòrd 1 seata, faodaidh a' cruinneachadh Teòthachd, gas Brùthadh eadar-dhealachadh agus gas analyzer dàta, etc .;
    3. stainless stàilinn dà-slighe astar deuchainn, le seata de gaoithe Brùthadh lorgaidh innealan leithid meanbh-eadar-dhealachadh Brùthadh sensor;
    4. Tha na Stàitean Aonaichte Omega K-seòrsa thermocouple 3, a 'lorg an luidhear gas Teòthachd 1 seata;
    5. uidheamaichte le seata de gas chruinneachadh deuchainn uidheam, ceangailte le PTFE pìoba, faodaidh a 'cruinneachadh gas puinnseanta a thaobh;
    6. Dehumidifying fuar ribe, gas sruth cunbhalach agus bholtaids riaghlaiche, 1 seata de Ameireaganach a thilgeadh gas chruinneachadh pumpa uidheam, uidheamaichte le stàilinn pìoba agus PTFE stealladair ceangal;
    7. An incandescent lamp smoke density measuring system comprising an incandescent light source and a silicon photodiode receiving device;
    8. uidheamaichte le 5 neutral criathragan, Optical dùmhlachd raon de 0.1-2;
    9. 4 steach tomad sruth rianadair innealan, uidheamaichte le bhith a 'lùghdachadh Brùthadh bhalbh, solenoid bhalbh, etc .;
    10. Coitcheann deuchainn bathar-bog, calibration gabhail a-steach dòighean-obrach, agus faodar a chleachdadh airson deuchainn monomer losgadh;
    11. uidheamaichte le 1 seata de coimpiutair is clò-bhualadair innealan;
    12. Test uidheam mar smùide pìoba agus centrifugal fan;
    13. Dà propane sruth mòr-riaghlaidh;
    14. Dà-adhair mòr-sruth-riaghlaidh;
    15. 22.5KW agus 30KW lasair calibration Faodar cluich le mòr-sruth rianadair an gnìomh air aon burner;
    16. Bundle uèir agus càball deuchainn inneal losgaidh.

    Iarrtas: Tha an deuchainn Tha siostam tro mheadhan na sgèile teine deuchainn simulating Phaisg no càball fibre optic càball. Tha an deuchainn càball a tha air a stàladh air dhìreach ìre stàilinn fhàradh agus las le comharraichte Ignition an tùs gus measadh a dhèanamh losgaidh giùlan agus losgaidh coileanadh an càball. Combustion dàta coileanaidh airson na tràth ìrean de càball teine,

    Tha an deuchainn air teas-naidheachd a 'sealltainn an ìre de chunnart an lasair a' sgaoileadh sìos an càball agus a 'bhuaidh a an teine ​​an tùs air taobh an sgìre. Tha a 'cheò dùmhlachd deuchainn a' sealltainn Fàire an teine ​​sgìre agus an cunnart a 'cheò gu sàbhailteachd phearsanta.

    Product Details na Uèir agus Cable Heat Release inneal Test

    EN 50399 Test uidheam a tha air a dhèanamh suas de chlàir IEC 60332-3, teas release tomhas, ceò dùmhlachd tomhas agus mhùthadh adhair caolas siostam. Tha seo gu buil le iomchaidh beag instrumented earrann ducting smùide a-steach dhan t-siostam a 'chrann-ola agus a' cleachdadh seo le co-cheangailte gas mion-sgrùdadh ionnsramaidean agus bathar-bog. Tha an earrann duct taighean a h-uile gas a shamplachadh probes, agus teòthachd tomad sruth probes agus tha puirt-mara airson a 'cheò a' tomhas an t-siostam.
    Tha an deuchainn a gheibh a leanas feartan an càball no càball fon sònraichte losgaidh h:
    Flame sgaoileadh Flame Sgaoileadh FS
    Heat Release Rate Heat Release Rate HRR
    Total teas release Total Heat Release THR
    Smoke riochdachaidh ìre Smoke Riochdachadh Rate SPR
    Total ceò riochdachaidh Total Smoke Riochdachadh TSP
    Burning Fàs Rate clàr-innse Fire Fàs Rate FIGRA


    din: DIN EN 50399: 2017; EN : EN 50399; GB/T 31248: 2014


    1120 mm (W) x 2200 mm (D) x 5600 mm (H)




    110V AC 60Hz / 230V AC 50Hz, 5A

    Teòthachd Ambient

    Ag obair gu 10 ° C 35 ° C


    air and propane

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