Cina horisontal Flammability Tés Equipment Manufacturers na suppliers | Skyline

Horizontal Flammability Tés Equipment

Pondok Description:

Durukan tester horizontal téh merenah pikeun tekad pikeun flammability, sanggeus ngaduruk, résistansi seuneu jeung speed dina bahan organik mobil ngaduruk.
Comprised draf bébas kabinét stainless steel kalawan jandela observasi, wadah sampel sarta panto dipasang burner.Automated kadali timing jeung gas suplai.


  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-S33
  • Standar: ISO 3795, ASTM D5132, FMVSS 302
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    Tags produk

    ISO 3795 Automotive Interior horisontal Flammability Tés Equipment

    bubuka produk tina horisontal Flammability Tés Equipment

    Horizontal Flammability tester, pikeun nangtukeun ongkos ngabeuleum komparatif jeung kaduruk lalawanan tina tékstil, utamana jalma pikeun pamakéan interior otomotif. Flammability horizontal tester geus aman sarta gampang beroperasi, ngandung dijujut bébas kabinét stainless steel kalawan jandela observasi, wadah sampel sarta panto dipasang burner.
    Automatic gas and timing control system including solenoid control gas valve and automatic ignition timer and controls.

    Parameter produk tina horisontal Flammability Tés Equipment

     diaméterna nozzle seuneu  9.5mm
     jangkungna seuneu  38mm +/- 2
     clamp sampel  360x100mm
     interior Diménsi  330x50mm
     Sampel handap  25mm pitch antara kawat logam mangrupa 25mm
     ditandaan garis  Dimimitian titik 38mm / Tungtung titik 292mm ti titik Igniting
     Jarak ti nozzle ka Sampel  19mm
     kakuatan  220/110 V 50/60 Hz 2 A
     beurat  18 Kg
     Dimensi kanggo chamber flammability  381mm × 203mm × 356mm
     dimensi  460 × 200 × 400 mm (LxWxH)

    Feature produk tina horisontal Flammability Tés Equipment

    Aparatur Ieu cocog jeung tekad pikeun flammability, sanggeus ngaduruk, résistansi seuneu jeung speed dina bahan organik mobil ngaduruk.
    Comply with ISO 3795, ASTM D5132, FMVSS 302 etc.
    Comprised of draft free stainless steel cabinet with observation window, sample holder and door mounted burner.
    Automated control of timing and gas supply.

    1. kotak test durukan dijieunna tina stainless steel kalayan ketebalan dinding 2 mm, nu teu gampang mun deform sanggeus durukan.
    2. There are 10 19 mm ventilation holes at the bottom of the box and 13 mm wide ventilation grooves around them.
    3. Bunsen lamp burner, nozzle inner diameter 9.5 mm, flame height can be adjusted to 38 mm;
    4. The box body is equipped with transparent observation window of toughened glass, which can be easily observed by testers.
    5. The bottom of the box is equipped with a collection tray for collecting molten droplets.
    6. The U-shaped stainless steel sample clamp can be inserted from the right side of the box body.
    7. After inserting U-type stainless steel sample clamp, the instrument can automatically timing.
    8. The combustion flame can be cut off automatically after 15 seconds of testing.
    9. Provide needle valves and ball valves to adjust and cut off gas.
    10. Optional stainless steel sample clamp with heat-resistant metal wire for flexible fabrics.

    Rincian produk tina horisontal Flammability Tés Equipment

    durukan tester horizontal téh cocog pikeun uji kinerja durukan bahan interior mobil. Ieu meets standar tina GB 8410 sarta FMV SS302, jsb

    EC diréktif 95/28 / EC hubungan kana kabiasaan ngaduruk bahan dipaké dina ngawangun pedalaman kategori tangtu kandaraan motor, jeung dimaksudkeun pikeun mastikeun yén maranéhna minuhan standar kaamanan seuneu.

    95/28 / EC test seuneu pikeun bahan pedalaman kandaraan motor nangtukeun karakteristik Ngaduruk: horisontal ngaduruk Paripolah, nangtung ngaduruk, Paripolah, ngaduruk muterna.

    Standar nguji

    ISO 3795, FMVSS 302, DIN 75200, Sae J369, ASTM D5132, JIS D1201, BSAU 1690

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