China EN ISO 9239-1 Radiant Flooring Panel Test Apparatus Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
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EN ISO 9239-1 Radiant Flooring Panel Test Apparatus

Pondok Description:

ISO 9239 test pancaran Flooring Panel teh cornerstone tina réaksi bahan flooring ka tés seuneu dina Sistim Euroclass. test dina ukuran sumebarna seuneu tina sampel, handapeun paparan termal, maké sumber ignition panas radian.


  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-FL05
  • Standar: en ISO 9239-1, ASTM E648, ASTM E970, NFPA 253
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Radiant Flooring Panel Test Apparatus Stainless Steel Hood with Smoke Measurement Ports

    Product parameters (specifications)of the the Radiant Flooring Panel Test Apparatus

     kakuatan operasi maksimum  5kw
     akurasi timing  <1s / h
     Panas fluks méteran Ngukur rentang  (0-15) Kw / m2; (Aliran panas customer-milik)


     Panas fluks akurasi méteran  ± 0.2Kw / m2
     Panas fluks akurasi méteran  <± 3%;
     Panas rentang pyrometer radiasi  400-600 ℃, katepatan tina ± 0,5 ℃;


     kasalahan hawa Hideung awak  ± 5 ℃;
     speed haseup  (2,5 ± 0.2) m / s
     kapasitas haseup  (39-85) m3 / mnt
     Porous refractory ukuranana dewan radiasi  300mm × 450mm, the ability of about 900 ℃ high temperature;


     Thermocouple  diaméter thermocouple 3.2mm K-tipe stainless steel Armored
     ngaduruk suluh  diaméterna ¢ diaméterna 10mm ¢ 6mm, menyemprot tube dina liang 35 ¢ 0.7mm
     jangkungna seuneu  60 ~ 120mm adjustable
     sistim ignition  tegangan tinggi ignition éléktronik
     Ngaduruk ukuranana kotak  L1420 * W1200 * H2300 (mm)
     Sistim knalpot kuat  mesin geus dilengkepan kipas kuat, nalika ujian geus réngsé, ngamimitian Sistim knalpot kipas bakal ker exhausted

    Bubuka produk tina pancaran Flooring Panel Test  aparatur

    ISO 9239 test pancaran Flooring Panel teh cornerstone tina réaksi bahan flooring ka tés seuneu dina Sistim Euroclass. test dina ukuran sumebarna seuneu tina sampel, handapeun paparan termal, maké sumber ignition panas radian. Paparan termal éta tina seuneu tumuwuh di kamar asalna éta ngaliwatan lawang panto, radiates onto nu floorings dina rohangan atanapi koridor anu tangtu. aparat ogé bisa dipaké pikeun tés pikeun standar ASTM E648 na DIN 4102; Bagian 14.

    Use Environment

    Indoor pamakéan
    Luhurna: nepi ka 2000m
    hawa ambient: 10 nepi ka 35 ° C (60 nepi ka 85 ° F)
    asor relatif: 45% ~ 75%.
    Fluctuations tegangan diijinkeun: 10% dipeunteun tegangan.
    Overvoltage rating: II
    gelar Polusi: 1

    Feature produk na Aplikasi tina  Radiant Flooring Panel Test  aparatur

    1.The chamber test hasilna ieu insulated kalawan dewan insulasi kalsium silikat jeung geus disadiakeun ku hawa jandela observasi tahan.
    2.The stainless steel sample support assembly is mounted on a sliding platform to allow safe and easy loading of the test sample.
    3.The radiant heat is applied by means of a gas-fuelled panel, inclined at 30º, and directed at a horizontally mounted floor covering system specimen.
    4.The radiant panel generates a radiant energy flux distribution ranging from a nominal maximum of 10.9 kW/m2 to a minimum of 1.1 kW/m2.
    5.Dummy calibration specimen with holder, calibrated heat flux meter and mounting.
    6.The distance burned until flame-out is reached and converted, by calibration, into an equivalent critical radiant flux, in kW/m2.
    7.Heat Flux Meter: Range : 0 ~ 50 kw/m2; Surface emissivity :ε=0.95± 0.05
    8.A smoke measuring system, according to DIN 50055, is mounted on a separate frame at the exhaust stack.
    9.Control Rack for convenience in use, allowing observation of the apparatus and controls during equipment set-up and calibration.
    10.Automatic ignition of the radiant panel and safety cut-out.
    11.Automatic moving T type ignition burner
    12.Stainless steel hood with smoke measurement ports.

    Aplikasi: The FRP Flooring pancaran Panel Test aparatur mangrupa pakakas anu bisa dipaké pikeun nangtukeun radiasi termal sarua Carpets, bahan flooring, sarta bahan insulasi roofing nu laterally nyebarkeun dina seuneu nu.

    Product Details of the Radiant Flooring Panel Test  aparatur

    Radiasi tester termal pikeun paving bahan anu dilarapkeun kana pangukuran fluks radiasi termal kritis taneuh nutupan bahan. The fluks radian kritis nujul kana kajadian panas per unit lega. The gede kajadian panas, nu leuwih luhur jumlah pemanasan diperlukeun pikeun bahan, sarta leuwih stabil materi. The kurang kamungkinan éta nyekel seuneu. Dina alat uji, sumber radiasi panas sarta T-tipe burner anu dipasang, jeung leuwih tebih tebih sampel mangrupakeun tina sumber radiasi, anu nurunkeun radiasi panas fluks nampi dina beungeut cai, sampel anu ignited ku T-tipe burner, sarta uji éta anu dipigawé. Nalika seuneu nu keur dipareuman, jarak karuksakan tina sampel, radiasi panas nilai fluks pakait, nyaeta, dina kritis fluks radiasi panas.

    The FRP Flooring pancaran Panel Test aparat meets metodeu test handap:
    ISO 9239-1:Floor coverings - Fire reaction test - Part 1: Determination of flaming performance using radiant heat sources;
    ASTM E648:The floor covering is subjected to a critical thermal radiation test using a thermal radiation source method;
    GB/T 11785:Determination of the burning properties of flooring materials - radiant heat source method.
    Dimension:1900mm (W) x 750mm x (H) x 2120mm (D)

    Beurat: 235kg

    syarat instalasi

    Ukuran instalasi (mm)

    Ukuran test kotak :: 1800 (L) * 1500 (W) * 2400 (H)
    Electric control cabinet size:600(L)*1000(W)*1800(H)

    syarat instalasi

    Catu daya:  220 V±10%,50 Hz,5A

    syarat sumber hawa

    Durukan gas: propana baku, laju aliran suplai teu kirang ti 5L / mnt, sarta tekanan inlet gas teu kirang ti 0.15MPa;
    Compressed air: the air force of the intake air is not less than 0.5MPa, and the flow rate is not less than 180L/min;
    Water source: dedicated coolant for cooling the heat flow meter.

    Listrik: 230 volt nominal 10 AMPS
    ambient Suhu: Operasi 10 ° C nepi ka 35 ° C
    Dimensions: Apparatus: 1900mm (W) x 750mm x (H) x 2120mm (D)
    Gas Supplies: Propana diwangun sarta compressor hawa

    syarat Sistim haseup

    pipe knalpot: haliber 30cm, speed angin 2.5m / s, jangkungna tina taneuh téh 2.4m.

    What is the ISO 9239-1:2010?

    ISO 9239-1:2010 specifies a method for testing the upwind combustion behavior and flame spread of horizontally installed floors exposed to heat flux radiation gradients in a laboratory, when ignited with a pilot flame.
    This method works for all types of floors. Examples include textile carpets, cork, wood, rubber and plastic coverings and coatings. The results obtained by this method reflect the performance of the floor, including any substrates (if used). Modifications to the backing, adhesion to the substrate, other changes to the underlayment or floor may affect the test results.

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