ቻይና ጨመቃ ኃላፊ አምራቾች እና አቅራቢዎች | የሰማይ መስመር

ጨመቃ ኃላፊ

አጭር መግለጫ:

ወደ በመጠረዝ ወይም አይቀርም አንድ ልጅ አማካኝነት ሊከናወን ወደ ሌላ እርምጃ በኩል ሜካኒካዊ ጉዳት አንድ መጫወቻ ያለውን በማስገዛት የማንኛውም. ሙከራ በኋላ, የ መጫወቻ ሹል ጠርዞች, ሹል ነጥቦች እና ትናንሽ ክፍሎች ለ ሊፈተን ይችላል.

  • Min.Order ብዛት: 1 አሃድ
  • ዋጋ: በስምምነት
  • ጥቅል: ኮምፖንሳቶ መያዣ
  • Model: SL-S07
  • መስፈርቶች: ASTM F 963 8.10.1,EN71-1998 8.8
  • የምርት ዝርዝር

    የምርት መለያዎች

    ASTM F ዲያሜትር 30 ሚሜ ዙር ሮድ ጋር አሻንጉሊቶች ሙከራ መሳሪያዎች ለ 963 8.10.1 ጨመቃ ኃላፊ

    አይነቶች Compression ኃላፊ የምርት መግቢያ
    To simulate the subjecting of a toy to mechanical damage through compressing or other action likely to be performed by a child. After testing, the toy may be tested for sharp edges, sharp points & small parts.

    የ ጨመቃ ኃላፊ ምርት ግቤቶች

     ዲያሜትር   30 ሚሜ ዙር በትር
     ስፉት  28 × 28 × 19mm
     መስፈርቶች  EN71-1998 8.8, ASTM ረ 963 8.10.1

    የምርት የባህሪ እና ጨመቃ ኃላፊ ማመልከቻ
    Test Methods:
    The sample must be placed in an environment with a room temperature of 23 ± 2 ° C and a humidity of 20% to 70% for 4 hours before the pressure test;
    The pressure head was placed in parallel on the test surface and pressed up to the desired number of pounds for 5 seconds for 10 seconds. (The toy should be placed on a flat, hard surface in any suitable position during the test).

    የ ጨመቃ ኃላፊ የምርት ዝርዝሮች
    Requirements and judgments:
    1. Requirements:
    a. American Standard (ASTM/CPSC) 0 to 18 months 20±0.5LBS 18 to 36 months 25±0.5LBS 36 to 96 months 30±0.5LBS
    b. European standard: 110N ± 5 N
    c. Chinese standard: 36N ± 2.0 N for 36 months - 37 months - 96 months 136 ± 2.0 N
    d. Customer standard: refer to customer standard
    2. If there are sharp edges, sharp points and small objects after the test, it will be regarded as unqualified.

  • የቀድሞው:
  • ቀጣይ:

  • እዚህ መልዕክት ይጻፉ እና ለእኛ ይላኩት