Dongguan skyline YEZIMBONI CO., LTD. kuyinto South China Umholi design, ukukhiqiza kanye inkonzo sobubanzi ibhodi high ukuhlolwa izixazululo Fire Testing Izinsiza kusebenza.
Mission and Vision
Sithunywe ukunikela izinga okusezingeni Fire Testing Izinsiza kusebenza futhi ephelele yokuhlola izixazululo zokwakha, zezindiza, komzila, Imo, ifenisha kanye Izintambo & izintambo 'Industries. Ukuhlinzeka izixazululo engcono ukusiza amakhasimende ethu ukunciphisa ukulahlekelwa ngenxa yomlilo.
Vision sethu ukuthi impumelelo Inspired, futhi unothando umklami nomkhiqizi izisombululo ukuhlola ngokuhlala njalo esingeqile umkhakha ukukhula nokuba inkomba emhlabeni wonke imikhiqizo kanye namasevisi.
Skyline waqala ukuklama nomkhiqizo ukuhlola imishini kusukela 2008. Ukuze ukuthuthukiswa emashumini ', ikakhulukazi phakathi nokubambisana nayo eziningi labs 3rd party kanye angaphandle ephezulu umakhi, zanikeza amazwibela thina kunothile supervisions nosizo, thina zanqwabelana ukuhlolwa okungcono isipiliyoni kanye ezibekiweko lobuchwepheshe, futhi lokhu kusungulwa isisekelo esizwakalayo nathi ukuze sifake ephelele. Okuphathelene nokuphilisana indzaba
Singabantu umthengisi we SASO, SGS, EmaCophelo yezefundo ka-Israyeli, Intertek, BV, TUV, Hasbro, Mattel. Cishe u-100% amathoyizi ukuhlolwa imishini lwamalebhu ngenhla othengwe kusukela Skyline. Zimelela indinganiso ephakeme e amathoyizi ukuhlola ensimini. Thina ahlonishwe futhi uyaziqhenya lokuveza imishini ukuhlangana ukuhlolwa izimfuno zabo.
The ISO 9239 Radiant Flooring Panel test is the cornerstone of the flooring materials reaction to fire tests in the Euro class system. The test measures the spread of flame of the sample, under thermal exposure, using a radiant heat ignition source. It is suitable for testing with paving material...
Protective clothing includes fire protective clothing, industrial protective clothing, medical protective clothing, military protective clothing and special people use protective clothing. Protective clothing is mainly used in firefighting, military, shipping, petroleum, chemical industry, painti...
Aviation companies are always looking for ways to improve their fuel efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint. Now, a new aviation fuel burner technology promises to do just that. The Aviation Fuel Burner (AFB) is a new type of burner that has been specifically designed to improve the fuel...
The Anti-Liquid Molten Metal Splash Test Device is a testing device used to evaluate the protective properties of personal protective equipment (PPE) against liquid molten metal splash. It is designed to test the ability of materials, such as clothing and gloves, to protect workers from molten me...