Cina Toel Screen kinétik Energy tester Jeung printer Manufacturers na suppliers | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

Toel Screen kinétik Energy tester Jeung printer

Pondok Description:

The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component.

  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-S16
  • Baku: ISO 8124-1, EN-71-1 16 CFR 1500 ASTM F963 4.8
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    EN71-1-2011 Toel Screen kinétik Energy tester Jeung printer

    bubuka produk tina kinétik Energy tester

     This device comes with a printer. The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component, and the time taken by the toy ejection component to pass a certain distance is measured, and the movement is calculated. energy. Inspect the safety performance of the catapult toy for infants or children.

    Product Technical parameters of the Kinetic Energy Tester

     Jumlah sampel  1 / waktos
     kontrol layar  Layar cabak
     timing maksimum  15.000000S
     rentang timing  0.000001--15.000000S
     Speed ​​rentang tampilan  0.007M / S-10000.000M / S
     Hareup jeung dipasing sensing pungkur  152.4mm, error0.1mm
     diaméterna minimum tina sampel  3mm
     test ngahemat  data ngahemat
     Volume (WxDxH)  36x35x15cm
     Beurat (approx.)  ≈6kg
     Sasayogian tanaga  1∮ AC 220V 3A

    Product details of the Kinetic Energy Tester


    sampel ieu nyuntik ti hareup saluran test, sarta pakakas anu otomatis ngarebut laju obyék jeung otomatis direkam dina bédana waktos antara posisi hareup jeung tukang ujian. Dumasar kana nilai waktu diukur sarta beurat tina sampel, nilai énergi kinétik sampel sarta bahya na bisa diitung. baku EN71-1-2011

    titik ngajual husus

    1. Toel layar

    2. Kalayan nyitak

    3. mesin sacara otomatis bakal ngitung énergi kinétik

    4.Test simpen, tiasa nyimpen data

    5. fungsi Calibration

    6. concessions Harga

    7. bungkusan Pranata mangsa

    8. Dina stock, bisa shipped geuwat  

    Sacara rinci paking nyaeta sakumaha dihandap:

    Dimension: 41cm * 41cm * 26cm (L × W × H)

    Beurat: 8.6kg


    Kalawan kamampuhan beungeut pélor luhur diaméterna 0.5mm, teu adjustment sensitipitas anu diperlukeun, tur eta anu pinuh otomatis. Lebetkeun beurat bullet nu, itungan otomatis tina laju bullet, énergi kinétik, Jumlah kali, rata


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    industrial sewing machine