Printer ishlab chiqaruvchilari va yetkazib beruvchilar bilan Xitoy Touch Screen Kinetik energiya Tester | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

Touch Screen Kinetik energiya Tester bilan Printer

Qisqa Tasvir:

The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component.

  • Min.order Soni: 1 birligi
  • Narx: sof bo'lishi
  • Siz: kontrplak ishini
  • : Model SL-S16
  • Standard: ISO 8124-1, EN-71-1 16 CFR 1500 ASTM F963 4.8
  • Mahsulot batafsil

    Mahsulot teglar

    EN71-1-2011 Touch Screen Kinetik energiya Tester bilan Printer

    Kinetik energiya Tester Mahsulot joriy etish

     This device comes with a printer. The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component, and the time taken by the toy ejection component to pass a certain distance is measured, and the movement is calculated. energy. Inspect the safety performance of the catapult toy for infants or children.

    Product Technical parameters of the Kinetic Energy Tester

     namunalar soni  1 / vaqt
     Ekran nazorat qilish  Sensorli ekran
     maksimal Vaqt  15.000000S
     timing qator  0.000001--15.000000S
     Tezlik ko'rsatish soha  0.007M / S-10000.000M / S
     Old va orqa zondlash oralig'i  error0.1mm, 152.4mm
     namunadagi Minimal diametri  3mm
     Test saqlash  saqlash ma'lumotlar
     Volume (ExBxY)  36x35x15cm
     (Taxminan). Og'irligi  ≈6kg
     Quvvatlantirish manbai  1∮ AC 220V 3a

    Product details of the Kinetic Energy Tester


    namuna sinov kanal old yuboriladi, va asbobsozlik avtomatik ravishda ob'ektga tezligini ushlaydi va avtomatik sinov old va orqa postlar orasidagi vaqt farqi yozilgan. O'lchangan vaqt qiymati va namuna og'irligiga asoslanib, namuna va uning xavfning kinetik energiya qiymati hisoblab chiqish mumkin. Standard EN71-1-2011

    Maxsus savdo nuqtasi

    1. Touch Screen

    Chop etish 2.

    3. mashina avtomatik ravishda kinetik energiya hisoblash qiladi

    4.Test ma'lumotlarni saqlashingiz mumkin, saqlab

    5. kalibrlash funktsiyasi

    6. Narx imtiyozlar

    7. Mustaqil qadoqlash

    8. aktsiyalari esa, darhol jo'natildi mumkin  

    qadoqlash quyidagilar hisoblanadi:

    Hajmi: 41cm * 41cm * 26cm (L × W × H)

    Og'irligi: 8.6kg


    0.5mm diametri yuqoridagi o'q ochish qobiliyati bilan, hech qanday Jilo o'rnatish talab qilinadi, va to'liq avtomatlashtirilgan. o'q og'irligi, o'q tezligi, kinetik energiya, necha marta, o'rtacha avtomatik hisob kiriting


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    industrial sewing machine