Sìona Touch Screen lùth gluasaid Tester Le Printer Manufacturers agus solaraichean | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

Touch Screen lùth gluasaid Tester Le Clò-bhualadair

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component.

  • Min.Order Quantity: 1 aonad
  • Price: aontachadh
  • Pasgan: Fiodh Case
  • Modail: SL-S16
  • Ìre: ISO 8124-1, EN-71-1 16 CFR 1500 ASTM F963 4.8
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    EN71-1-2011 Touch Screen lùth gluasaid Tester Le Clò-bhualadair

    Bathar toirt a-steach an lùth gluasaid Tester

     This device comes with a printer. The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component, and the time taken by the toy ejection component to pass a certain distance is measured, and the movement is calculated. energy. Inspect the safety performance of the catapult toy for infants or children.

    Product Technical parameters of the Kinetic Energy Tester

     Àireamh de shampaill  1 / ùine
     Screen smachd  Touch Screen
     Teòthachd as àirde tron ​​àm  15.000000S
     -àm raon  0.000001--15.000000S
     Taisbeanadh raon na Gaoithe  0.007M / S-10000.000M / S
     Aghaidh agus cùlaibh mothachaidh beàrnan  152.4mm, error0.1mm
     As ìsle tron ​​trast-thomhas de shampall  3mm
     Test Save  Save dàta
     Volume (WxDxH)  36x35x15cm
     Cuideam (mu).  ≈6kg
     Solar cumhachd  1∮ AC 220V 3A

    Product details of the Kinetic Energy Tester


    Tha an sampall a tha an stealladh bhon aghaidh na deuchainn sianal, agus an t-inneal fèin-obrachail a 'glacadh velocity an nì agus fèin-obrachail a' clàradh an àm eadar-dhealachadh eadar an aghaidh agus air ais dreuchdan na deuchainn. Stèidhichte air na ceumanan àm luach agus cudthrom an shampall, an lùth gluasaid luach na shampall agus an cunnart a dh'fhaodas a bhith air obrachadh a-mach. Coitcheann EN71-1-2011

    Special Selling phuing

    1. Touch Screen

    2. Le clò-bhuailte

    3. Bidh an t-inneal fèin-obrachail obrachadh a-mach an lùth gluasaid

    4.Test a shàbhaladh, 's urrainn shàbhaladh dàta

    5. Calibration gnìomh

    6. Price lasachaidhean

    7. Neo-eisimeileach-pasgaidh

    8. Ann an stoc, faodar a chur anns a 'bhad  

    Tha a 'pacadh fhiosrachadh mar a tha gu h-ìosal:

    Tomhas: 41cm * * 41cm 26cm (L × × W H)

    Cuideam: 8.6kg


    Le lorgaidh comas peilearan os cionn 0.5mm trast-thomhas, cha cugallachd adjustment a tha a dhìth, agus tha e làn fèin-ghluasadach. Cuir a-steach cuideam na peilear, Fèin-ghluasadach àireamhachadh de peilear velocity ', lùth gluasaid, grunn thursan, a' chuibheasachd


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