Cina Single ngaduruk Cipondoh, Tangerang Flammability Tés Equipment Manufacturers na suppliers | Skyline

Hiji ngaduruk Cipondoh, Tangerang Flammability Tés Equipment

Pondok Description:

The Single ngaduruk Cipondoh, Tangerang (SBI), mangrupakeun metoda test pikeun nangtukeun kana réaksi mun kabiasaan seuneu ngawangun produk (teu kaasup floorings) nalika kakeunaan serangan termal ku item ngaduruk tunggal (keusik-kotak burner disadiakeun kalawan propana).

  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-FL080
  • Baku: EN13823, en 13501
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Single Burning Item Flammability Testing Equipment with Stainless Steel Gas Collecting Hood

    Réngsé SBI dipasang
    Réngsé SBI dipasang
    J tipe knalpot pipe
    J tipe knalpot pipe
    liang haseup
    liang haseup

    Produk parameter tina  the Cipondoh, Tangerang Single ngaduruk

     ngukur rentang  0-25%
     kaluaran sinyal  4-20mA
     Respon waktos T90  ≤2S;
     hawa ambient  0-45 ℃;
     kalembaban relatif  <90% (non-condensing)
     Linearity  <± 0,1% O2
     drift enol  0.05% O2 per minggu
     kabisaulangan  <± 0,02% O2
     Karbondioksida (CO2) pangukuran  
     ngukur rentang  0-10%
     kabisaulangan  <± 1% struktur internal tina kabinét kontrol;
     drift enol  ≤2% / minggu
     bentang drift  ≤2% / minggu
     Linearity simpangan  <± 1%
     waktos respon  detik T90≤2

    Bubuka produk tina  éta Cipondoh, Tangerang Single ngaduruk

    The Single ngaduruk Cipondoh, Tangerang (SBI), mangrupakeun metoda test pikeun nangtukeun kana réaksi mun kabiasaan seuneu ngawangun produk (teu kaasup floorings) nalika kakeunaan serangan termal ku item ngaduruk tunggal (keusik-kotak burner disadiakeun kalawan propana). specimen kasebut dipasang dina trolley anu diposisikan dina pigura handapeun hiji sistem haseup. Réaksi ti specimen mun burner kasebut diawaskeun instrumentally na visually. Panas sarta release haseup ongkos nu diukur instrumentally sarta ciri fisik anu ditaksir ku observasi.

    Feature produk na Aplikasi tina éta Cipondoh, Tangerang Single ngaduruk

    1.The Single ngaduruk Cipondoh, Tangerang (SBI) diwangun ku hiji trolley, hiji pigura dibereskeun, a tiung gas ngumpulkeun, kolektor, J tipe knalpot pipe, kipas centrifugal, alat kontrol speed angin, ukur komprehensif bagian, analisis gas kabinét, data sistim akuisisi;
    Trolley 2.The bisa dipasang dua spésimén sampel nangtung. Handap sudut nangtung mangrupakeun kotak keusik burner. Metodeu ignition permukaan ieu diadopsi, sarta sistem deteksi seuneu anu dilengkepan salaku alat panyalindungan flameout;
    3.The pigura dibereskeun ngarojong tiung gas ngumpulkeun. Pigura geus dibereskeun ku hiji burner bantu sarta dilengkepan sistem seuneu detecting salaku alat panyalindungan flameout;
    Collector gas baja 4.Stainless, ayana dina luhureun pigura dibereskeun, dipaké pikeun gas durukan kumpulkeun;
    5.Stainless baja J tipe haseup knalpot pipe, diaméter jero nyaéta (315 + 5) mm kalawan suhu 50mm tinggi insulasi katun mineral tahan;
    6.The Sistim haseup knalpot wajib haseup terus haseup dina laju 0.50m3 / s-0.65 m3 / s, sarta diatur ku konversi frékuénsi;
    7.Mass ngalir controller, ukur lingkup 0G / s-2.5G / s, akurasi moal kirang ti 1.5% maca;
    8.Gas suplai bisa otomatis dikawasa pikeun laju 647mg / s sarta 2000mg / s, sistem kontrol gas bisa ngajamin laju suplai gas dina prosés parobahan test kudu ngaleuwihan 5mg / s, pikeun mastikeun kaluaran panas ngalir 30.7 + 2kW;
    9.The Sistim sampling gas flue diwangun ku hiji filter lebu, tiis bubu, dua kolom drying, a pompa sampling sarta pompa peristaltic, ku kituna mun éféktif sangkan gas sampel beresih jeung garing;
    10.Paramagnetic oksigén analyzer, ukur lingkup 0-25%, ukur kadar oksigén di gas, anu rentang konsentrasi 0-25%, T90 <12 detik; Non dispersive infra red CO2 analyzer: CO2: 0 ~ 10%;
    Pipa 11.A kalawan panjang 2155mm, dilengkepan usik tekanan, tilu thermocouples, a usik sampling gas, sarta sistem lampu bodas;
    12.Two arah usik, jeung lingkup sahenteuna (0-100) Pa sarta akurasi 2Pa sensor tekanan inlet disambungkeun. Waktu respon ti 90% kaluaran tekanan sensor anu di paling 1s;
    Sistim lampu 13.The mangrupa tipe Pijer, kalawan (2900 + 100) K hawa warna, jeung gabungan fléksibel anu dipasang di sisi pipa haseup;
    14.Silicon photodiode detektor, kalayan 0,1% linier stabilitas;
    15.The hawa geus diwanohkeun kana tube sisi pikeun ngajaga kabersihan teh alat optik, nu bisa dilakonan ku hawa dikomprés;
    Application:It is suitable for the testing the fire resistance of building materials / products in single burning item (SBI).

    Rincian produk tina  the Cipondoh, Tangerang Single ngaduruk
    Steel baja centrifugal kipas, tiasa tahan suhu 300 derajat, meets sarat tina hawa tinggi hambalan calibration;
    Diaphragm pump, flow rate: 400l / h, high temperature and corrosion resistance, used for sample gas collection;
    The soot filter filter head is composed of solid PTFE with 0.5 um filter material inside;
    Compressor condenser, cooling capacity 320KJ / h, dew point stability of 0.1 degrees, dew point static change of 0.1K, protection grade IP20;
    Imported rotameter with a range of 0-5L/min to adjust the inlet flow of the analyzer;
    Non-dispersive infrared CO2 analyzer: CO2: 0~10%;
    A comprehensive measuring section with a length of 2155mm, equipped with a pressure probe, three thermocouples, a gas sampling probe and a white light system;
    a gas sampling probe connected to the gas regulating device and the O2, CO2 inlet gas analyzer;
    The light attenuation system is an incandescent light type, and is mounted on the side pipe of the exhaust pipe by a flexible joint;
    A lens system for collecting light into a parallel beam of at least 20 mm in diameter. The light-emitting hole of the phototube should be located at the focus of the lens in front of it, and its diameter (d) should be determined according to the focal length (f) of the lens such that d/f is less than 0.04;
    Detector and silicon photodiode probe, the photoelectric detection chamber has 0.1% linear stability, 10-bit measurement range, and the spectral distribution responsivity of the silicon photodiode is consistent with CIE (lighting curve), and the standard function V(γ) can reach at least ±5% accuracy;
    The 90% response time of the optical attenuation system should not exceed 3s;
    Introducing air into the side tube to maintain the optical device in compliance with the required attenuation of light attenuation drift, which can be accomplished using compressed air;

    Software Feature

    Nyadiakeun nu calibration sarta operasi panganteur di handap:
    O2/CO2 analyzer calibration: O2/CO2 output noise and drift calibration
    Calibration of optical systems: noise and drift calibration of smoke measurement systems
    Optical system calibration: filter calibration
    Air volume calibration: air volume control range calibration
    Ladder calibration and heptane calibration

    Panas kaluaran tangga calibration minuhan sarat di handap:
    Waktu reureuh tina analyzer O2 / CO2 teu leuwih ti 30s;
    The response time of the O2/CO2 analyzer is not more than 12s;
    The response time of the burner switch is not more than 12s;
    The temperature response time shall not exceed 6s;
    The ratio Q gas 30s (T) /HRR30s (T), (T) should be continuous (100 + 5)%;
    The difference between the average of HRR step 2 and the average of HRR step 3 is not more than 0.5kW.

    Heptane hasil calibration:
    Nilai calorific massa Unit heptane kedah THR / m (4456 + 222,8) MJ / kg;

    Testing results: 
    Rata laju release panas [RHRav (t)]
    Total Heat Release[THR(t)]
    1000 * [RHRav(t)/(t-300)]
    Fire Growth Rate Index[FIGRA]
    Total Heat Release[THR600s]
    Occurrence of Lateral Flame Spread
    Total Smoke Production[TSP(t)]
    10000 * [RSPav(t)/(t-300)]
    Smoke Growth Rate Index[SMOGRA]
    Total Smoke Production[TSP600s]
    Standard:EN 13501,EN 13823
    Dimension: 3000 mm (W) x 4500 mm (H) x 3000 mm
    Weight: 650kg

    syarat instalasi:
    Jangkungna instalasi: teu kurang ti 5 méter
    Floor area: no less than 3m X 3m
    Syarat kakuatan: 220V, 10A; 380V, 5KW
    hawa ambient: 10 ° C jeung 35 ° C
    syarat Gas: gas propana
    gas Calibration: N2, CO2 gas baku
    Calibration standard: heptane

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