Sìona Singilte Burning Notaichean a Flammability Testing Uidheam Manufacturers agus solaraichean | Skyline
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Singilte Burning Notaichean a Flammability Testing Equipment

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Singilte Burning Notaichean a (SBI), tha dòigh deuchainn airson co-dhùnadh an ath-bhualadh gu teine ​​giùlan bathar togail (ach a-mhàin floorings) nuair a tha fosgailte don tearmach ionnsaigh le aon phìos losgadh (a 'bhogsa-ghainmhich burner seachad le propane).

  • Min.Order Quantity: 1 aonad
  • Price: aontachadh
  • Pasgan: Fiodh Case
  • Modail: SL-FL080
  • Ìre: EN13823, EN 13501
  • bathar Detail

    bathar Tags

    Single Burning Item Flammability Testing Equipment with Stainless Steel Gas Collecting Hood

    Crìochnachadh a stàladh SBI
    Crìochnachadh a stàladh SBI
    J seòrsa smùide pìoba
    J seòrsa smùide pìoba

    Bathar crìochan de  the Singilte Burning Notaichean

     'tomhas raon  0-25%
     Signal toradh  4-20mA
     Freagairt àm T90  ≤2S;
     Teòthachd Ambient  0-45 ℃;
     Taiseachd coimeasach  <90% (neo-dluthadh)
     Linearity  <± 0.1% O2
     Zero drift  0,05 O2% gach seachdain
     Repeatability  <± 0,02% O2
     Carbon dà-ogsaid (CO2) tomhas  
     'tomhas raon  0-10%
     Repeatability  <± 1% taobh a-staigh structar a 'chaibineat smachd;
     Zero drift  ≤2% / san t-seachdain
     span drift  ≤2% / san t-seachdain
     Linearity Claonadh  <± 1%
     Freagairt ùine  T90≤2 diogan

    Bathar toirt a-steach  na Singilte Burning Notaichean

    Singilte Burning Notaichean a (SBI), tha dòigh deuchainn airson co-dhùnadh an ath-bhualadh gu teine ​​giùlan bathar togail (ach a-mhàin floorings) nuair a tha fosgailte don tearmach ionnsaigh le aon phìos losgadh (a 'bhogsa-ghainmhich burner seachad le propane). Tha an dreach a tha air muin trolley a tha air a suidheachadh ann an cèis fo smùide siostam. Tha reaction an dreach gu burner Thathas a 'sgrùdadh instrumentally agus lèirsinneach. Heat agus ceò release ìrean thomhas instrumentally agus feartan-tìre a tha air a mheasadh le Amharc.

    Bathar Feart agus Iarrtas de na Singilte Burning Notaichean

    1.The Singilte Burning Notaichean a (SBI) a dèanamh suas de trolley, stèidhichte frèam, a 'cruinneachadh gas currachd, cruinniche, J seòrsa smùide pìoba, centrifugal fan, Astar na Gaoithe uidheam-smachd, a' tomhas cuimseach earrann, gas mion-sgrùdadh a 'Chaibineit, dàta a' togail an t-siostam;
    2. trolley faodar a chur a-steach le dìreach dà shampall sampaill. Tha bonn na dìreach ceàrn a tha a 'ghainmheach a' bhogsa burner. Tha uachdar Ignition dòigh a ghabhail os làimh, agus an lasair lorgaidh siostam uidheamaichte mar flameout dìon uidheam;
    3.The stèidhichte frèam taic a thoirt do gas a 'cruinneachadh currachd. Tha frèam stèidhichte le luchd-cuideachaidh a burner agus an uidheamachadh le lasair lorgaireachd siostam mar flameout dìon uidheam;
    4.Stainless stàilinn gas air cruinniche, suidhichte aig mullach na frèam stèidhichte, a chleachdadh a chruinneachadh losgaidh millteach;
    5.Stainless stàilinn J seòrsa smùide ceò na pìoba, a-staigh 'S e trast-thomhas (315 + 5) mm le 50mm àrd Teòthachd resistant mèinnearach cotan seasgair;
    6. ceò smùide siostam ni 'sìor smùide ceò aig luaths 0.50m3 / s-0.65 m3 / s, agus a bhith air a riaghladh le tricead iompachadh;
    7.Mass sruthadh rianadair, tomhas raon de 0g / s-2.5g / s, leughadh mionaideachd nach eil nas lugha na 1.5%;
    8.Gas solar fèin-obrachail Faodar smachd a Flow Rate 647mg de / s agus 2000mg / s, an gas siostam smachd urrainn barantas a thoirt air astar de sholar gas ann am pròiseas deuchainn atharrachaidhean nach bu chòir nas motha na 5mg / s, gus dèanamh cinnteach an teas a chur a-mach 30.7 + 2kW;
    9.The luidhear gas samplachadh siostam a dhèanamh suas de uinnsinn Criathrag, fuar ribe, dà tiormachadh colbhan, a 'samplachadh pumpa agus peristaltic pumpa, mar gu h-èifeachdach a' dèanamh ball-sampaill gas glan agus tioram;
    10.Paramagnetic ocsaidean analyzer, tomhas raon 0-25%, tomhas ocsaidean dùmhlachd ann an gas, an aire air an obair raon de 0-25%, T90 <12 seconds; Neo dispersive fo-dhearg CO2 analyzer: CO2: 0 ~ 10%;
    11.A loidhne-phìoban le fad de 2155mm, uidheamaichte le Brùthadh deuchainn, trì thermocouples, gas samplachadh deuchainn, agus solas geal an t-siostam;
    12.Two-slighe deuchainn, le raon de co-dhiù (0-100) Pa agus neo-mhearachdachd a 2Pa caolas Brùthadh sensor co-cheangailte. Tha an ùine-freagairt nan uairean sensor 90% aig a 'chuid as motha toradh 1s;
    13.The solas siostam incandescent seòrsa, le (2900 + 100) K dath Teòthachd, sùbailte agus a 'co-stàlaichte air taobh na pìoba smùide;
    14.Silicon photodiode lorgair, le 0.1% sreathach seasmhachd;
    15.The adhair a thoirt a-steach a-steach an taobh tube a chumail glainead an Optical uidheam, a dh'fhaodas a bhith ealanta le dhlùthadh adhair;
    Application:It is suitable for the testing the fire resistance of building materials / products in single burning item (SBI).

    Product Details na  the Singilte Burning Notaichean
    Stàilinn centrifugal fan, 's urrainn seasamh Teòthachd de 300 ceum, a' coinneachadh ri riatanasan an ceum calibration àrd Teòthachd;
    Diaphragm pump, flow rate: 400l / h, high temperature and corrosion resistance, used for sample gas collection;
    The soot filter filter head is composed of solid PTFE with 0.5 um filter material inside;
    Compressor condenser, cooling capacity 320KJ / h, dew point stability of 0.1 degrees, dew point static change of 0.1K, protection grade IP20;
    Imported rotameter with a range of 0-5L/min to adjust the inlet flow of the analyzer;
    Non-dispersive infrared CO2 analyzer: CO2: 0~10%;
    A comprehensive measuring section with a length of 2155mm, equipped with a pressure probe, three thermocouples, a gas sampling probe and a white light system;
    a gas sampling probe connected to the gas regulating device and the O2, CO2 inlet gas analyzer;
    The light attenuation system is an incandescent light type, and is mounted on the side pipe of the exhaust pipe by a flexible joint;
    A lens system for collecting light into a parallel beam of at least 20 mm in diameter. The light-emitting hole of the phototube should be located at the focus of the lens in front of it, and its diameter (d) should be determined according to the focal length (f) of the lens such that d/f is less than 0.04;
    Detector and silicon photodiode probe, the photoelectric detection chamber has 0.1% linear stability, 10-bit measurement range, and the spectral distribution responsivity of the silicon photodiode is consistent with CIE (lighting curve), and the standard function V(γ) can reach at least ±5% accuracy;
    The 90% response time of the optical attenuation system should not exceed 3s;
    Introducing air into the side tube to maintain the optical device in compliance with the required attenuation of light attenuation drift, which can be accomplished using compressed air;

    Bathar-bog Feart

    Thoir a leanas calibration agus obrachadh eadar-aghaidh:
    O2/CO2 analyzer calibration: O2/CO2 output noise and drift calibration
    Calibration of optical systems: noise and drift calibration of smoke measurement systems
    Optical system calibration: filter calibration
    Air volume calibration: air volume control range calibration
    Ladder calibration and heptane calibration

    Heat toradh fàradh calibration a 'coinneachadh ri na riatanasan a leanas:
    Tha dàil àm an O2 / CO2 analyzer nach eil barrachd na 30an;
    The response time of the O2/CO2 analyzer is not more than 12s;
    The response time of the burner switch is not more than 12s;
    The temperature response time shall not exceed 6s;
    The ratio Q gas 30s (T) /HRR30s (T), (T) should be continuous (100 + 5)%;
    The difference between the average of HRR step 2 and the average of HRR step 3 is not more than 0.5kW.

    Heptane calibration toraidhean:
    Tha calorific luach aonad tomad heptane bu chòir a bhith THR / m (4456 + 222,8) MJ / kg;

    Testing results: 
    Cuibheasach ìre teas release [RHRav (t)]
    Total Heat Release[THR(t)]
    1000 * [RHRav(t)/(t-300)]
    Fire Growth Rate Index[FIGRA]
    Total Heat Release[THR600s]
    Occurrence of Lateral Flame Spread
    Total Smoke Production[TSP(t)]
    10000 * [RSPav(t)/(t-300)]
    Smoke Growth Rate Index[SMOGRA]
    Total Smoke Production[TSP600s]
    Standard:EN 13501,EN 13823
    Dimension: 3000 mm (W) x 4500 mm (H) x 3000 mm
    Weight: 650kg

    Stàladh riatanasan:
    Stàladh àirde: chan eil nas lugha na 5 meatairean
    Floor area: no less than 3m X 3m
    Cumhachd riatanasan: 220V, 10a; 380V, 5KW
    Ambient ìsle: 10 ° C gu 35 ° C
    Gas riatanasan: propane gas
    Calibration gas: N2, CO2 ìre gas
    Calibration standard: heptane

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