Cina Gedong Bahan Flammability tester Manufacturers na suppliers | Skyline
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Gedong Bahan Flammability tester

Pondok Description:

Baku mangrupa rujukan pikeun ISO 9705 " beungeut bahan ukuran pinuh test kamar " nulis baku tina test durukan, metoda test mun simulate skenario sudut seuneu salaku kaayaan test baku, sarta nguji pamasangan sampel lengkep nurutkeun sabenerna make, anu mangrupakeun salah sahiji metoda test paling dipercaya baku.

  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-FL1583
  • Baku: ISO 9705: 2016
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    ISO 9705Building Materials Flammability Tester Fire Tests — Full - Scale Room Test For Surface Products

    Bubuka produk  tina  anu  Tés Seuneu  Full - Skala Test Room Pikeun Surface Produk

    Based on Oxygen Consumption Principle GB/T 25207-2010 《Fire tests-Full-scale room tester for surface products》.The standard is a reference to ISO 9705《the surface material full size room test 》writing standard of combustion test, the test method to simulate the corner fire scenario as a condition of standard test, and test the installation of the sample completely according to actual use, which is one of the most reliable standard test method.Due to the relatively complex sample quantity and test conditions required by this test, it is usually used in fire science research and to evaluate the combustion characteristics of materials that cannot be correctly evaluated by small size test.
    The test device consists of four parts, including combustion chamber, flue gas collection and sampling system, gas analysis and data processing system and gas supply system. The test was carried out in a combustion chamber with a sample surface area of about 21 m2 and the door was normally open. The tested materials were installed according to the actual use. A rectangular triangular sand box burner with propane gas was installed at the corner of the inner wall of the room. During the test, the flow rate of gas should be controlled to make the standard heat output of the fire source 100 kW before 10 minutes. When the material did not explode, the flow rate of gas should be adjusted to increase the heat output to 300 kW and last 10 minutes. During a total 20-minute test period, the test can be stopped if there is flashover. The determination of explosive phenomena can be judged by observing and testing curves of heat release rate. 
    During the test, the total heat release, heat release rate, flue gas generation and flue gas generation rate were tested.

    Ciri Performance produk tina  Tés Seuneu  Full - Skala Test Room Pikeun Surface Produk

    1.Full set pakakas ngawengku chamber durukan, kempelan gas flue sarta sistem sampling, analisis gas sarta data sistem na sistem suplai gas ngolah.
    2. kerucut collector gas flue geus dipasang langsung luhur platform timbangan jeung sampel. Dimensi handap nyaéta 3000mm X 3000mm tur jangkung téh 1000mm. Luhureun éta collector gas flue kerucut anu 900mm X 900mm X 900mm alun. Dina waktu nu sarua, dua 500 mm pelat X 900mm baja nu dipasang di luhureun pasagi pikeun ngabentuk homogenizer gas flue.
    3. Panjang shortest tina baja haseup knalpot pipe steel teu kirang ti 5000mm tur diameter nyaeta 400 mm. Alat Pergaulan haseup nu dipasang di duanana tungtung.
    4. Sistem knalpot boga kapasitas anu cukup pikeun ngumpulkeun sagala gas flue dihasilkeun ku test durukan. Volume haseup kipas nu bisa terus disaluyukeun, sarta laju knalpot teu kirang ti 3.5m / s.
    5. The kipas haseup knalpot nya kipas centrifugal, anu liner jero nyaéta stainless steel, résistansi hawa teu kirang ti 300 derajat, sarta laju disaluyukeun ku kipas konversi prekuensi.
    6. The rentang ukur tina alat timbangan téh 0-5KG, sarta katepatan teu kirang ti 0.1g.
    7. Wewengkon ukur komprehensif ieu dilengkepan usik tekanan, tilu thermocouples, sampling gas usik na sistem ukur dénsitas haseup.
    8. Sandbox burner ieu ngeusi gravel kalayan ukuran partikel 4mm-8mm jeung keusik kalawan ukuran 2mm-3mm partikel. Luhureun lapisan keusik luhur nyaeta tingkat kalawan ujung luhur burner.
    9. ignition Surface ieu diadopsi keur ignition tina kotak keusik burner, sarta low ignition laju kasuksésan kayaning narik ignition henteu dipaké.
    10. dilengkepan seuneu ultraviolet mantau na extinguishing alat perlindungan pikeun mastikeun kasalametan sistem;
    Aliran controller 11. Massa kalayan sauntuyan 0 g / s-7 g / s, akurasi maca teu kirang ti 1,5%, daya kaluarannana maksimum 300 KW;
    12. Sistim sampling gas flue, nu diwangun ku filter lebu, compressor condenser, kolom drying, sampling pompa na méteran ngalir, kudu bisa sampel gas éféktif kumpulkeun flue sarta nyerep gas haseup.
    13. diimpor pompa diafragma, sampling aliran moal kirang ti 13L / mnt;
    14. The filter sirah haseup diimpor na filter lebu diwangun ku PTFE solid jeung serat 0.5um kaca filter jero bahan.
    15. Compressor condenser, kapasitas cooling 320KJ / h, embun stabilitas titik 0,1 gelar, embun titik robah statik 0.1K, cooling aliran moal kirang ti 6L / mnt;
    16. diimpor rotor flowmeter, ukur rentang nyaeta 0-5L / mnt;
    17. Alat ukur komprehensif diwangun ku tilu thermocouples omega diimpor anu kontak kudu ayana di hiji busur kalawan radius (87 + 5) mm tina sumbu, sarta sudut antara aranjeunna nyaeta 120 derajat.
    18. The usik bi-arah disambungkeun ka sensor tekanan diimpor ku rentang ukur tina sahanteuna (0-200) Pa sarta akurasi <2 Pa. Waktu response ti kaluaran 90% sensor tekanan anu 1 s di paling .
    19. The analyzer oksigén kedah paramagnetic sarta bisa ngukur sahanteuna 02 ku konsentrasi 16% -21% (V / V). Waktu response ti analyzer oksigén teu kudu ngaleuwihan 12 detik. The drift jeung nois of analyzer teu kudu ngaleuwihan 100 x 10-6 dina 30 menit. Kaluaran sistem acquisition data kudu boga resolusi maksimum 100 x 10-6.
    20. Karbon dioksida analyzer kedah tipe IR na bisa ngukur sahenteuna 0% - konsentrasi CO2 10%. The linearity of analyzer kudu sahenteuna 1% tina rentang pinuh. Waktu respon analyzer teu kudu ngaleuwihan 12 detik.
    21. Haseup sistem ukur dénsitas geus dipasang dina pipa samping tina pipa knalpot jeung gabungan fléksibel. The lampu Pijer dipaké dina (2900 +100) K hawa warna.
    22. elemen ukur optik, ukur rentang nyaeta 400-750 lampu ditingali nm, akurasi transmittance nyaeta 0.01%.
    23. The modus calibration 100% na 0% ti elemen ukur optik nyaéta: enol calibration titik ieu réngsé kucara kaluar sumber lampu Pijer jeung software klik dina 0%; 100% calibration geus réngsé ku ngaklik on 100% tanpa occlusion sahiji jalur lampu, sarta euweuh filter nétral keur dipake pikeun nyocogkeun data jalur optik;
    24. Alat pikeun ngukur ambient atmosfir, tekanan boga akurasi ± 200 Pa.
    25. The acquisition data jeung sistem analisis ensures katepatan na reliabiliti acquisition data jeung ngarékam otomatis data diperlukeun unggal 3 detik. Itungan data software anu bener tur hasil anu éféktif. Tur bisa nyadiakeun calibration sarta operasi panganteur di handap;
    26.O 2 / CO 2 analyzer calibration: O 2 / CO 2 kaluaran noise na calibration drift; jeung hasilna formulir kaluaran;
    27. software The ngawengku calibration Sistim optik, bising jeung drift calibration tina sistem ukuran gas flue jeung formulir kaluaran hasil.
    28. software The ngawengku calibration Sistim optik, calibration filter sarta formulir kaluaran hasilna.
    29. software The ngawengku calibration volume hawa, volume hawa rentang kontrol calibration jeung formulir kaluaran hasilna.
    30. software The ngawengku hambalan calibration jeung formulir kaluaran hasilna.
    31. software The ngawengku prosedur test jeung formulir kaluaran hasil.
    32. dilengkepan komputer tur printer sistem.

    Produk  parameter  tina  Tés Seuneu  Full - Skala Test Room Pikeun Surface Produk
    Applications: building materials, shipping materials
    Standards: DS/ISO/TR 9705-2, ISO 9705:2016
    Size: Combustor Size: 2.4M (L) X 3.6M (H) X 2.4M (W)
    Weight: 700KG
    Smoke hood size: 3M (W) X 3M (D) X 1M (H)
    Installation requirements: Electricity requirements: 220V, 10A; 380V, 5KW
    Ambient temperature: 10 ℃ to 35 ℃
    Gas Requirements: Propane Gas Calibration Gas: N2, CO2 Standard Gas

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