China SL-FL37 Automatic Ignitability Building Materials Flammability Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
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SL-FL37 Automatic Ignitability Building Materials Flammability Tester

Pondok Description:

Gedong Bahan Ignitability tester, pikeun nangtukeun ignitability ngawangun produk subjected mun impingement langsung tina sumber single-seuneu nangtung dina prinsip Jerman Klein Brenner

  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-FL37
  • Standar: DIN 53438, ISO 11925-2, en 13501, IEC 61730-2: 2016
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Otomatis Ignitability Gedong Bahan Flammability tester pikeun Bahan Gedong

    Bubuka produk tina  Gedong Bahan Ignitability tester

    Gedong Bahan Ignitability tester, pikeun nangtukeun ignitability ngawangun produk subjected mun impingement langsung tina nangtung
    single-flame source in the principle of German Klein Brenner, For related categories B, C, D, e, Bfl, Cfl, Dfl and Efl in all combustible
    materials testing, the device provide overall solution, and is applicable to the operator, the tester also meet the DIN 4102- 1; class B2 test requirements.

    Produk parameter tina  Gedong Bahan Ignitability tester

    hawa ambient

    15 ° C ~ 25 ° C

    Relative humidity

    ≤ 85%

    Supply voltage and power

    220V 50HZ 100W

    Gas source

    C ommercial propane with a purity of not less than 95%.

    The ordinary test can also be replaced by liquefied petroleum gas (The user needs to bring their own safety).

    Bunsen burner applies flame time


    Single-chip control

    D igital display

    The burner diameter


    T he Bunsen burner flame length

    20mm±2mm, and the burner can be tilted 45°

    Apply flame

    (1s-99 s) ±0.5s to the sample, which can be adjusted arbitrarily with an accuracy of ±0.2s

    Combustible gas source

    P ropane with a purity of more than 95%


    850 mm (W) X 450 mm (D) X 800 mm (H)



    Feature produk na Aplikasi tina  Gedong Bahan Ignitability tester

    1. Ieu anu ergonomically dirancang jeung dijalankeun. Kabéh tés anu réngsé ku operasi layar toél. Darajat automation nyaeta luhur. Hasil tés saméméhna bisa disimpen na data test saméméhna bisa maca.
    2. servo motor rak sampel disetir bisa dikawasa pikeun otomatis angkat;
    3. Bunsen burner bisa disaluyukeun sateuacanna sarta mundur;
    4.1.5mm hal plat stainless steel;
    5.2 kipas baja panas-tahan panto kaca uji observasi sudut ganda, ganda (kalayan konci) merenah tur praktis
    6. High-tekanan ignition otomatis, durukan awét;
    7. Sumber ignition bisa otomatis tilted ku 45 derajat;
    8. The jangkungna seuneu disaluyukeun ku precision régulasi klep;
    9. The wadah sampel bisa dipindahkeun luhur jeung ka handap tur deui mudik;
    10. dilengkepan dua Panyekel sampel.
    11. hirupkeun skala ukuran;
    Gelar 12. Tinggi automation, akurat sarta gampang beroperasi data eksperimen;
    Ukuran 13. Box: lebar 835 × jero 400 × jangkungna 815mm
    14. Bahan: 1.5mm stainless steel
    15. The handap kotak mangrupa curhat alam datar, sarta curhat nu diwangun ku hiji 5cm * 5cm curhat pasagi (hiji leres 1,5 mm curhat baja kandel, 50mm tinggi) tetep di airflow liwat.
    16. Workmanship, prosés solderless leres
    17. Toel tampilan anu:

    a. Ukuran: 7 inci jétu ukuranana tampilan Panjang 15.5cm Width 8.6cm;
    b. Resolusi: 800 * 480
    c. Komunikasi panganteur RS232, 3.3V CMOS atanapi TTL, serial mode port
    d. Kapasitas simpenan: 1G
    e. Paké murni tampilan supir hardware FPGA, "enol" waktu ngamimitian, ngajalankeun on kakuatan
    f. Ngagunakeun arsitéktur m3 + FPGA, m3 tanggung jawab instruksi FITML, FPGA museurkeun kana TFT tampilan, speed jeung reliabilitas nu ngarah skéma sami
    g. Controller utama adopts processor low-énergi jeung otomatis asup kana modeu hemat-énergi.

    Rincian produk tina  the Gedong Bahan Ignitability tester

    1.Provide baku wadah sampel stainless steel sarta wadah sampel baja lega steel;
    2.The sumber ignition bisa ditempatkeun vertikal atawa 45 derajat, cocog pikeun ujung handap sarta ujung ignition;
    3.The jangkungna seuneu disaluyukeun ku klep precision jarum;
    4. Nyadiakeun jangkungna seuneu ukur alat sarta gauge sampel jarak ukur;
    5.The wadah sampel bisa dipindahkeun luhur jeung ka handap tur ninggalkeun jeung katuhu ku setting mékanis.

    pilihan sadia

    Multilayer specimen wadah
    Leupas eusian specimen wadah
    Anemometer 0-10 m / s rentang
    alat Timing kalawan babagian 0.2 detik
    tekenan ngurangan klep: Antara 10 kPa sarta 50 kPa


    DIN: DIN 53438
    ISO: ISO 11925-2
    en: en 13501
    IEC: IEC 61730-2: 2016
    Diménsi: 850 mm (W) X 450 mm (d) X 800 mm (H)
    Beurat: 24kg

    syarat instalasi

    Gas: Propana diwangun ku purity minimum 95%.

    What is the EN ISO 11925-2 testing? 

    EN ISO 11925-2:2002-Reaction to fire tests-Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame-Part 2: Single-flame source test.

    EN ISO 11925-2 Test time
    There are 2 ignition times to choose from, 15s or 30s. The test start time is the start time of ignition.
    If the ignition time is 15s, the total test time is 20s, calculated from the start of ignition.
    If the ignition time is 30s, the total test time is 60s, calculated from the start of ignition.

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    industrial sewing machine