China Full Facemasks Combustion Resistance Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline

Full Facemasks Combustion Resistance Tester

Pondok Description:

The flame retardancy tester is mainly used to test the flame retardancy of the comprehensive protective mask after six different parts of the flame ignited at the same time for a certain time.

  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL848
  • Standar: CSN EN 136:1998 GB/T 16556:2007
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    Pinuh Cover durukan Résistansi tester

    Product introduction of the Pinuh Cover durukan Résistansi tester

    Pinuh Cover durukan Résistansi tester téh cocog pikeun nguji résistansi durukan buka-circuit dikomprés respirator hawa timer ngandung (respirator hawa) dina standar EN136. Kinerja durukan respirator hawa bisa diuji ku cara maké 6-titik ngaduruk atawa single-titik ngaduruk seuneu impact.The seuneu retardancy tester utamana dipaké pikeun nguji retardancy seuneu tina topeng pelindung komprehensif sanggeus genep bagian nu sejen seuneu nu ignited di waktu nu sami pikeun waktu nu tangtu. Ieu pakakas nguji husus keur retardancy seuneu tina topeng pelindung komprehensif.

    Produk parameter tina  Pinuh Cover durukan Résistansi tester

    1. Equipped with the first metal texture simulation device, it can be used for wearing air respirator device.
    2. Hal ieu dilengkepan K-tipe thermocouple, nu ditempatkeun di 250mm dina luhureun éta burner pangluhurna sarta bisa ngadeteksi suhu 950 + 50 derajat.
    3. dilengkepan 6 burners TEKLU nu jangkungna masing-masing burner bisa disaluyukeun ku sorangan.
    4. Laju aliran gas disadiakeun pikeun burner nu bisa disaluyukeun jeung dikawasa ku flowmeter rotor.
    5. The tekanan régulasi alat bisa ngaluyukeun tekanan disadiakeun ka burner mun 10-50KPA.
    6. Metal sirah tékstur simulasi bisa diputer, jeung speed rotasi bisa disaluyukeun minuhan sarat test baku.
    7. Bujang-titik durukan na durukan genep titik bisa kabiruyungan, sarta bisa diuji numutkeun standar béda.

    Product details of the Full Cover Combustion Resistance Tester

    1. The mask fixture is a metal human head model, which can fully simulate the actual use of the mask.
    2. The burner is equipped with a propane gas interface.
    3. The height of burner flame can be adjusted.
    4. The face mask head die fixture can be adjusted in both vertical and horizontal directions at will.
    5. Automatic recording of ignition time and digital display.
    6. It is equipped with flame temperature measuring probe and flame temperature display.

    Produk  parameter tina Pinuh Cover durukan Résistansi tester

    1. laju aliran gas The total genep igniters nyaeta (21 ± 0,5) L / mnt.
    2. jangkungna seuneu bisa disaluyukeun.
    3. Diaméter hawa seuneu ukur usik téh 1.5mm
    4. suhu seuneu di 250mm ti luhur burner nyaeta (950 ± 50) darajat Celsius.
    5. Jarak antara luhureun burner jeung genep ignition titik tina topéng nyaéta 250mm.
    6. Metal ketebalan témbok paeh 2-3 mm, résistansi seuneu sarta lalawanan durukan

     jangkungna seuneu   can be adjusted
     Ignition time timer   0-99.99 seconds
     katalitian   ±0.01 seconds
     standar  CSN EN 136:1998 GB/T 16556:2007
     aplikasi  Protection kaamanan
     dimensi  1200mm (W) x 700mm (D) x 1,900mm (H)
     beurat  176KG
     syarat listrik  AC220V, 50Hz, 50W
     syarat gas  gas propana

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