China Full Facemasks Combustion Resistance Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
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Full Facemasks Combustion Resistance Tester

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

The flame retardancy tester is mainly used to test the flame retardancy of the comprehensive protective mask after six different parts of the flame ignited at the same time for a certain time.

  • Min.Order Quantity: 1 aonad
  • Price: aontachadh
  • Pasgan: Fiodh Case
  • Modail: SL848
  • Inbhean: CSN EN 136:1998 GB/T 16556:2007
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    Làn Cover Combustion Resistance Tester

    Product introduction of the Làn Cover Combustion Resistance Tester

    Full Cover Combustion Resistance Tester tha freagarrach airson deuchainn nan losgaidh an aghaidh fèin-tha fosgailte cuairt dhlùthadh adhair respirator (air respirator) ann EN136 ìre. Tha an losgaidh coileanadh adhair respirator urrainn deuchainn a dhèanamh le bhith a 'losgadh 6 puing no aon-phuing losgadh lasair impact.The lasair retardancy Tester tha sa mhòr-chuid air an cleachdadh gus a dhearbhadh an lasair retardancy an cuimseach dìon mask dèidh sia diofar phàirtean den lasair las aig an aon àm airson ùine àraidh. 'S e deuchainnean sònraichte ionnstramaid airson an lasair retardancy an cuimseach dìon mask.

    Bathar crìochan na  Làn Cover Combustion Resistance Tester

    1. Equipped with the first metal texture simulation device, it can be used for wearing air respirator device.
    2. Tha e air uidheamachadh le K-seòrsa thermocouple, a tha air a chur aig 250mm air mullach as àirde burner agus is urrainn a lorgadh teòthachd 950 + 50 Degrees.
    3. uidheamaichte le 6 TEKLU Luchd-losgaidh, àirde gach burner Faodar atharrachadh leis fhèin.
    4. Tha an gas Flow Rate sholar don burner Faodar atharrachadh agus fo smachd le roth flowmeter.
    5. Tha an sreath a 'riaghladh an inneal urrainn gleusadh an Brùthadh sholar don burner gu 10-50KPA.
    6. Metal inneach atharrais ceann Faodar-dhealaichte, agus an cuairteachadh astar Faodar atharrachadh gus coinneachadh ris an ìre test riatanasan.
    7. Single-phuing losgaidh agus sia-phuing losgaidh faodar a thuig, agus is urrainn a dhearbhadh a rèir diofar ìrean.

    Product details of the Full Cover Combustion Resistance Tester

    1. The mask fixture is a metal human head model, which can fully simulate the actual use of the mask.
    2. The burner is equipped with a propane gas interface.
    3. The height of burner flame can be adjusted.
    4. The face mask head die fixture can be adjusted in both vertical and horizontal directions at will.
    5. Automatic recording of ignition time and digital display.
    6. It is equipped with flame temperature measuring probe and flame temperature display.

    Bathar  crìochan de Làn Cover Combustion Resistance Tester

    1. iomlan gas Flow Rate sia igniters tha (21 ± 0.5) L / min.
    2. Tha an lasair àirde Faodar atharrachadh.
    3. Tha trast-thomhas de lasair Teòthachd tomhais deuchainn tha 1.5mm
    4. Tha an teòthachd an lasair aig 250mm bho mullach an burner tha (950 ± 50) puing Celsius.
    5. Tha an astar eadar mullach an burner agus na sia puingean de Ignition mask tha 250mm.
    6. Metal die balla tighead 2-3 mm, lasair aghaidh losgaidh agus aghaidheachd

     Flame àirde   can be adjusted
     Ignition time timer   0-99.99 seconds
     mionaideachd   ±0.01 seconds
     Coitcheann  CSN EN 136:1998 GB/T 16556:2007
     Iarrtas  Sàbhailteachd Dìon
     Meud  1200mm (W) x 700mm (D) x 1,900mm (H)
     Weight  176KG
     Electrical riatanasan  AC220V, 50Hz, 50W
     gas riatanasan  propane gas

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