China Full Facemasks Combustion Resistance Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

Full Facemasks Combustion Resistance Tester

Short Description:

The flame retardancy tester is mainly used to test the flame retardancy of the comprehensive protective mask after six different parts of the flame ignited at the same time for a certain time.

  • Min.Order Kuchuluka: 1 wagawo
  • Price: kudzasintha
  • Phukusi: plywood Mlanduwu
  • Model: SL848
  • Mfundo: CSN EN 136:1998 GB/T 16556:2007
  • mankhwala Mwatsatanetsatane

    Tags mankhwala

    Full Cover kuyaka fundo Tester

    Product introduction of the Full Cover kuyaka fundo Tester

    Full Cover kuyaka fundo Tester ndi oyenera kudziyesa kuyaka kukana wodzilamulira zili lotseguka-dera wothinikizidwa mpweya makina (mpweya makina) mu EN136 muyezo. ntchito kuyaka kwa mpweya makina akhoza kuyesedwa mwa 6-mfundo moto kapena osakwatiwa-mfundo yoyaka moto walawilawi impact.The lawi retardancy Tester zimagwiritsa ntchito kuyesa lawi retardancy wa chigoba mabuku zoteteza pambuyo mbali zisanu ndi chimodzi cha moto wa akayaka pa nthawi yomweyo kwa nthawi zina. Ndi wapadera kuyezetsa chida lawi retardancy wa chigoba mabuku zozitetezera.

    Magawo mankhwala wa  Full Cover kuyaka fundo Tester

    1. Equipped with the first metal texture simulation device, it can be used for wearing air respirator device.
    2. zida K-mtundu thermocouple, amene aikidwa pa 250mm pa pamwamba pa burner wapamwamba ndi angazindikire kutentha kwa 950 + 50 madigiri.
    3. Okonzeka ndi 6 TEKLU woyatsa, chilichonse kutalika burner zikhoza kusintha palokha.
    4. mpweya mlingo otaya aperekedwe ku burner akhoza kusintha ndi kulamulidwa ndi ozungulira flowmeter.
    5. kuthamanga malamulo chipangizo akhoza kusintha kuthamanga amaperekedwa kwa burner kuti 10-50KPA.
    6. Chitsulo kapangidwe kayeseleledwe mutu akhoza zimayenda ndi liwiro kasinthasintha zikhoza kusintha akwaniritsa zofunikira muyezo mayeso.
    7. Single-mfundo kuyaka ndi zisanu ndi mfundo kuyaka akhoza anazindikira, ndipo akhoza kuyesedwa molingana ndi mfundo zosiyana.

    Product details of the Full Cover Combustion Resistance Tester

    1. The mask fixture is a metal human head model, which can fully simulate the actual use of the mask.
    2. The burner is equipped with a propane gas interface.
    3. The height of burner flame can be adjusted.
    4. The face mask head die fixture can be adjusted in both vertical and horizontal directions at will.
    5. Automatic recording of ignition time and digital display.
    6. It is equipped with flame temperature measuring probe and flame temperature display.

    Mankhwala  magawo a Full Cover kuyaka fundo Tester

    1. Onse mlingo mpweya otaya igniters asanu ndi (21 ± 0.5) L / min.
    2. The kutalika lawi zikhoza kusintha.
    3. The awiri a lawi kutentha chingwe kafukufuku ndi 1.5mm
    4. kutentha kwa lawi pa 250mm kuchokera pamwamba pa burner ndi (950 ± 50) madigiri Celsius.
    5. Mtunda pakati pamwamba burner ndi zisanu poyatsira mfundo chigoba ndi 250mm.
    6. Chitsulo kufa khoma makulidwe 2-3 mm, lawi kukana ndi kuyaka kukaniza

     lawi kutalika   can be adjusted
     Ignition time timer   0-99.99 seconds
     Zowona   ±0.01 seconds
     Standard  CSN EN 136:1998 GB/T 16556:2007
     ntchito  Safety Protection
     Makulidwe  1200mm (W) x 700mm (D) x 1,900mm (H)
     Kunenepa  176KG
     magetsi zofunika  AC220V, 50Hz, 50W
     zofunika mpweya  propane gasi

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