Saina tago lau Kinetic Malosiaga Tester Faatasi ai ma le lomitusi Gaosi ma e tuuina | tafailagi

Tago lau lomitusi Kinetic Malosiaga Tester Faatasi ai ma le

Faamatalaga puupuu:

The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component.

  • Min.Order Aotelega: 1 iunite
  • Tau: o feagaiga tau tupe
  • Afifi: Mataupu Plywood
  • Faataitaiga: SL-S16
  • Standard: ISO 8124-1, EN-71-1 16 CFR 1500 ASTM F963 4.8
  • Faamatalaga oloa

    pine o oloa

    EN71-1-2011 tago lau Kinetic Malosiaga Tester Faatasi ai ma le lomitusi

    faatomuaga oloa o le Kinetic Tester Malosiaga

     This device comes with a printer. The instrument is mainly used to test the kinetic energy of the projectile toy, so that the ejection component of the toy passes the test tube of the instrument or the two sensors of the external test component, and the time taken by the toy ejection component to pass a certain distance is measured, and the movement is calculated. energy. Inspect the safety performance of the catapult toy for infants or children.

    Product Technical parameters of the Kinetic Energy Tester

     Aofai o faataitaiga  1 / taimi
     pulea lau  tago lau
     taimi aupito maualuga  15.000000S
     taimi eseese  0.000001--15.000000S
     Saosaoa tele faaaliga  0.007M / S-10000.000M / S
     Luma po o le faavavaina lagonaina tausia  152.4mm, error0.1mm
     lapoa aupito maualalo o faataitaiga  3mm
     tofotofoga vagana  vagana ai faamatalaga
     Volume (WxDxH)  36x35x15cm
     Weight (approx.)  ≈6kg
     Paoa sapalai  1∮ AC 220V 3A

    Product details of the Kinetic Energy Tester

    Mataupu Faavae

    e tui le faataitaiga mai le pito i luma o le auala suega, ma otometi lava ona atagia mai ai le pepa faaletulafono o le saoasaoa o le mea faitino ma otometi lava o loo tusia ai le taimi eseesega i le va o le tulaga pito i luma ma tua o le suega. Faavae i luga o le tau fua le taimi ma le mamafa o le faataitaiga, o le taua malosi kinetic o le faataitaiga ma ona lamatia e mafai ona fuafuaina. Standard EN71-1-2011

    tulaga faapitoa faatauina atu o ana

    1. tago lau

    2. Faatasi ai ma lolomi

    3. O le masini a otometi lava ona fuafua le malosi kinetic

    vagana 4.Test, e mafai ona faasaoina o faamatalaga

    5. galuega tauave Calibration

    6. tuusaunoaga Price

    7. afifiina Tutoatasi

    8. I le faaunegatupe i le Malo, e mafai ona auina vave  

    O le auiliiliga tuupusaina e pei o loo i lalo:

    Tulaga: 41cm * 41cm * 26cm (L × W × H)

    Weight: 8.6kg


    Faatasi ai ma le mauaina gafatia o pulufana i luga lapoa 0.5mm, e leai se tulaga maaleale e manaomia fetuunaiga, ma ua atoatoa otometi. Ulu atu i le mamafa o le pulu, fuafuaina tipi saʻo o saoasaoa pulu, malosi kinetic, le tele o taimi, tusa


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  • Tusi lau savali iinei ma auina mai ia i tatou