Cina Drapery Flammability tester Manufacturers na suppliers | Skyline

Drapery Flammability tester

Pondok Description:

NFPA 701 nyaeta Standar Metode of Tés Seuneu pikeun hirupkeun Propagasi of tékstil jeung Pilem. Numutkeun beurat lawon béda, dibagi 1 Métode jeung métode 2.


  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL823
  • Baku: NFPA 701
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    Drapery Flammability Tester for Test the Flame Retardant Properties of Hanging Fabrics Such as Curtains and Curtains

    Bubuka produk tina  Drapery Flammability tester

    NFPA 701 nyaeta Standar Metode of Tés Seuneu pikeun hirupkeun Propagasi of tékstil jeung Pilem. Numutkeun beurat lawon béda, dibagi 1 Métode jeung métode 2.

    Produk parameter tina  Drapery Flammability tester

    Aparatur 1.Specified pikeun sakabéh bahan hiasan nongkrong timbangan kirang ti 21 oz / yd² (700 g / m²).
    2.Manufactured with specified ½\" marinite panels framed in stainless steel.
    3.Meker Burner with Spark ignition.
    4.Gas system include the flow meter, pressure meter and pressure reducing valve.
    5.Automatically shut the system down completely after the 45-second flame application.

    Feature produk na Aplikasi tina  Drapery Flammability tester

    Struktur kotak durukan 1.Open;
    2.Calcium silicate board case, stainless steel wrapped outside;
    3.Meker Burner burner;
    4.The burner is available for heat of 10,500 BUT/Hour;
    5.Automatically set 20 seconds gas release time and standard burning time;
    6.Automatic ignition ignition mode;
    7.The timer accuracy is 0.1 second;
    8.A standard sample holder is provided.

    Rincian produk tina  Drapery Flammability tester

    Drapery Flammability tester, utamana dipaké di NFPA 701 Métode 1, ieu dipaké pikeun nguji sipat seuneu retardant of fabrics nongkrong kayaning curtains na curtains. Bisa dilarapkeun ka tunggal atawa multi-lapisan fabrics, tapi teu fabrics ku gede beurat ti 700 g / m2 (21 oz / yd2)

    Standar: NFPA 701
    Diménsi: 829mm (W) x 520mm x (H) x 460mm (d)
    61kg: Beurat
    syarat instalasi
    Syarat kakuatan: 220 V, 5 AMPS
    hawa ambient: 10 ° C jeung 35 ° C
    gas ngagawekeun: métana

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