Cina BS 5438 Flammability Tés Equipment Manufacturers na suppliers | Skyline

BS 5438 Flammability Tés Equipment

Pondok Description:

tester Ieu metoda test pikeun observasi sarta ngukur flammability of tékstil dina kaayaan anu ngawates seuneu sumebar test na ujung nangtung atawa handap sampel nangtung ka seuneu slight.

  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Unit
  • Harga: Negotiable
  • Paket: lapis Case
  • Model: SL-S18-B
  • Baku: BS 5438
  • jéntré produk

    Tags produk

    BS 5438 nangtung Flammability Tés Equipment Pikeun fabrics / Multi-lapisan lawon

    Product introduction of the BS 5438 Flammability Tester

    This tester is a test method for observing and measuring the flammability of textiles under conditions that limit the flame spread test and the vertical or bottom edge of a vertical sample to a slight flame. A product made of a single fabric or composite material, such as a coating, a multilayer fabric

    Product parameters of the BS 5438 Flammability Tester

     Ignition waktos rentang setting  0 ~ 99.99s
     rentang timing durukan  0 ~ 999.9s
     burner  luyu jeung BS 5438
     sudut burner  bisa dipindahkeun (horizontal na veritical)
     Test hirupkeun Jangkungna  tiasa adjutable
     U Wangun fixture kotakna  160mmx250mm
     U ngawangun clamp nyirian posisi garis  Garis kahiji nyirian nyaeta tina sungut teh 167mm sungut seuneu, kadua tanda garis jarak ti jarak tanda garis mimiti 150mm, anu katilu tanda garis jarak ti jarak tanda garis kadua 300mm
     Pigura fixture rectangular  160mmx700mm
     gas durukan  Butane Gas
     Dimension (WxDxH)  76x52x110cm
     beurat   ≈55Kg
     Sasayogian tanaga  1∮ AC 220V 50Hz

    Product Feature and Application of the BS 5438 Flammability Tester

    Pasang sampel lawon dina fixture sahiji alat jeung ngaduruk sampel nurutkeun seuneu nu diperlukeun pikeun kurun waktu nu tangtu pikeun ngarekam data relevan (ngaduruk waktu) pikeun assessing durukan na kinerja.

    Product Details of the BS 5438 Flammability Tester
    syarat Performance
    Tilu spésimén bakal diuji di arah mesin sarta tilu di arah cross di
    Luyu kalawan test 3 of BS 5438 maké 10 detik waktu aplikasi seuneu, iwal yén threads lalampahan nangtung teu wajib dipaké. Taya genep spésimén wajib mutuskeun 300 mm lalampahan thread dina waktu kurang ti 25 detik.
    Taya genep spésimén wajib mutuskeun 600 mm lalampahan thread dina waktu kurang ti 50 detik.
    Lamun wae salah sahiji genep spésimén dites gagal sasuai jeung boh sarat kinerja, teras hiji salajengna genep spésimén bakal diuji
    Euweuh sahiji group kadua spésimén wajib gagal boh tina sarat kinerja.

    What is a vertical flammability tester?
    The vertical flammability tester is used to test the combustion performance of children's pajamas or decorative fabrics. Sealed stainless steel combustor, an observation window and a standard burner, which can test flame spread speed accurately. With different sample clip and accessory test package to meet different test standards.

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