Sìona Flooring Radiant Pannal Tester Manufacturers agus solaraichean | Skyline

Flooring Radiant Pannal Tester

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

The thermal radiation tester of paving material is used to measure the critical heat radiation flux of ground covering material. The critical radiation flux refers to the incident heat per unit area.

  • Min.Order Quantity: 1 aonad
  • Price: aontachadh
  • Pasgan: Fiodh Case
  • Modail: SL-FL086
  • Inbhean: ASTM E648, ASTM E970, ISO 9239-1:2010
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    Flooring Radiant Pannal Tester Stàillinn Test Box Can Records an Flame Sgaoileadh Uair leis fhèin

    Bathar-ealain  of Flooring Radiant Pannal Tester

    Tha an ISO 9239 Radiant Flooring Pannal deuchainn a tha na bhunait flooring stuthan reaction gu deuchainnean teine ​​ann an Euroclass siostam. Tha an deuchainn meud sgaoileadh nan lasair na shampall, fo tearmach dh'aithneachadh, a 'cleachdadh Radiant teas Ignition tùs. Tha tearmach dh'aithneachadh gu bheil teine ​​'fàs ann an seòmar às an tàinig sin tro fosgladh an dorais, radiates air an floorings ann an seòmar no trannsa ri taobh. Tha an uidheam a chleachdadh cuideachd airson deuchainnean gu ìrean ASTM E648 agus din 4102; Pàirt 14.

    Tha rèididheachd Tester leacan an stuth a chleachdadh gus tomhas a riatanach teas rèididheachd flux de stuth an talamh a 'còmhdach. Tha breithneachail rèididheachd flux 'toirt iomradh air na thachair teas gach aonad sgìre. Tha nas motha na thachair teas, an àrd-ìre a dh'fheumar teasachadh uiread de stuth, a tha nas socraiche an stuth a tha, agus nas lugha a 'chomasachd de Ignition. Anns an deuchainn seo uidheam, tearmach rèididheachd tobar agus an t-seòrsa burner tha a stàladh. Faide an sampall seo bhon rèididheachd an tùs, 'ìsle an teas rèididheachd flux fhuair air an uachdar. Tha an sampall a tha las le T-seòrsa burner. Bha am milleadh aig astar na ball-sampaill an dèidh a 'lasair extinguishes air a thomhas, agus a' co-fhreagarrach teas rèididheachd flux luach, ie breithneachail teas rèididheachd flux, air a thomhas.

    Coileanaidh Characteristics  de  Flooring Radiant Pannal Tester

    1. Tha an stàilinn deuchainn bogsa a 'gabhail ri an doras aghaidh dealbhadh, a tha freagarrach airson a' glanadh a 'bhalla a-staigh a' bhogsa.
    2. The inner wall of the box is calcium silicate plate, which can prevent high temperature and corrosion.
    3. Stainless steel smoke collector, as for the upper part of the combustion test box;
    4.300mm X 450mm porous ceramic thermal radiation plate, placed at 30 degrees angle;
    5. Provide T-type porous burner, apply open fire to the sample and adopt cylinder driving mode.
    6. The optical system consists of an incandescent lamp with a light source of 2900 +100 K color temperature and a silicon light diode as the light source.
    7. A shutter is installed at the front end of the silicon light-emitting diode, which can be opened and closed automatically by computer testing software for easy calibration.
    8. Rotor flowmeter adjusts the flame height of T-type burner.
    9. Propane mass flowmeter adjusts the gas flow rate of radiation plate and displays it digitally.
    10. Self-contained blower provides air source and passes Venturi mixture test gas.
    11. Mass flow controller is used to adjust the intake flow of radiation plate.
    12. SB water-cooled heat flow meter, working range is 0-50 kW/m2, the accuracy of heat flow meter is less than 2%, response time is 0.2 s. It provides portable cooling water source without external water.
    13. The user can move the heat flow meter to calibrate the radiation flux of the radiation plate conveniently. At the same time, the test software can draw the standard heat radiation flux curve.
    14. It is equipped with pedal switch. According to the flame spread distance, users can acquire the flame spread time to reach the test distance. At the same time, the computer records the flame spread time by itself.
    15. Install one chimney thermocouple and one thermocouple in the box, which can be displayed by computer software.
    16. Equipped with infrared radiometer, the temperature of radiation plate can be detected and displayed by computer software.
    17. Equipped with 15 inch industrial touch screen computer, users can monitor the whole combustion test process through the test software.
    18. The software can display the data of heat radiation flux, smoke density curve, transmittance curve and wind speed.

    Bathar  crìochan de Flooring Radiant Pannal Tester

     Meud  1900mm (H) x 750mm (L) x 1900mm (D)
     Weight  235KG
     dealan riatanasan  220 V, 10 Amps
     Teòthachd Ambient  10 ℃ to 35℃
     Auxiliary Gas  Air dinneadair Gas
     Combustion gas  propane
     Inbhean   ASTM E648, ASTM E970, ISO 9239-1:2010
     Application fields  building materials, rail transit, other fields, automobile interior 

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