China EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester

Qisqa Tasvir:

olov sinov Sprea temir materiallari va kema materiallari va chora-tadbirlar keng tarqalgan olov kursi, olov Tutuşturucu uchun masofalarga tomonidan AKK (o'chirmoqchi da tanqidiy Oqi) va umumiy issiqlik ozod yonish xususiyatlarini baholash uchun ishlatiladi.

  • Min.order Soni: 1 birligi
  • Narx: sof bo'lishi
  • Siz: kontrplak ishini
  • : Model SL805
  • Standartlar: ISO 5658-2-2006, CSN ENG 45545-2 + A1: 2015,
  • Mahsulot batafsil

    Mahsulot teglar

    Spread of Flame Tester With Computer and standard test software control

    Product Introduction of Otash yayılımı arra

    Sprea of flame tester is used to evaluate combustion characteristics of rail materials and ship materials and measures spread rate of flame, flame for ignition by distances, CFE (Critical Flux at Extinguishment) and total heat release. This test method is originated from ISO 5658-2 (Reaction to fire testsSpread of flame- Part 2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration) and measures combustion characteristics of vertical specimen (155mmX800mm).
    ​ISO 5658-2 : Reaction to fire tests Spread of flame - Part 2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration
    IMO qarori A. 653 (16): Bulkhead, Shift va pastki so'ng materiallar otash uchun yong'in sinov tartib haqida Tavsiyalar
    ​ASTM E 1317 : Standard test method for flammability of marine surface finishes

    Mahsulot  parametrlarni  tashkil  Otash yayılımı Tester


     2200 mm (W) x 2120 mm (H) 1100 mm (D) x



     elektr talablar

     220 V, 10 Amps

     atrof-muhit harorati

     35 10 ° C ° C

     kalibrlash gaz


     yonish gaz

     propan va metan


     ISO 5658-2-2006, 45545-2 + A1 CSN ENG: 2015,

     IMO FTPC Part 5, IMO Res.A.653 (16),


     temir yo'l tranzit, yuk, materiallar, boshqa sohalar

    Mahsulot Ishlash xususiyatlari  ning Otash yayılımı Tester

    Radiatsiya plitalar Qavslar majmui va radiatsiya plastinka, namuna apparati va kontaktni ulamo bilan zarur infratuzilmasini yaratish uchun birga ulangan namunasi qavs, bir majmui: 1. test instrument to'rt asosiy tarkibiy qismlardan iborat.
    2. radiatsiya plitalar 480 haqida mm X 280 mm radiatsiya sirtini beradi, va metall ekran radiatsiya oshirish radiatsiya oldida taqdim etiladi.
    Radiatsiya plastinka 3. Havo manbai blower tomonidan taqdim etiladi, va chastota konverter uni tartibga solish uchun ishlatiladi.
    4. foydalanish propan massa oqim nazorat qilish, Venturi mikser bilan hamkorlik, gaz manba tartibga solish havo bilan aralashadi va radiatsiya plastinka uchun yonish gaz manbai bilan ta'minlash.
    5. a g'ovakli kalibrlash lavha ta'minlash va issiqlik nurlari oqimini standarti talablariga javob yo'qligini aniqlash mumkin suzuvchi issiqlik oqimi metr kuzatib harakat.
    6. radiatsiya plastinka issiqlik nurlari oqimini egri o'lchash uchun ishlatiladi issiqlik nurlari oqimini Sensor, suv-qotdi.
    Aylanma qurilma sovutish 7. Portable suv issiqlik oqimi metr yuzasi issiqlik ketkazamiz mumkin.
    8. sopol quvur o'choq to'g'ridan ochiq olov sinov namunasi yuzasida harakat mumkin.
    9. Rotor Debimetre sopol quvur ulamo uchun aralash yonish gaz bilan ta'minlash mumkin.
    10. Ommaviy oqimi nazorat osongina muhim issiqlik oqimi o'lchash orqali metan issiqlik o'lchash mumkin.
    11. IMO test standartlariga ko'ra, termo qurilmalar issiqlik reliz tezligini va boshqa tegishli parametrlarini o'lchash uchun taqdim etilishi mumkin.
    12. metan kalibrlash o'choq va metan ommaviy oqim kontrolörü 1 kVt soat uchun va 3kW olov harorati bilan ta'minlash mumkin.
    13. Sinov paytida, kamera kuzatish mumkin va dasturda o'lchash holatini saqlash.
    Bir burchagi-ayarlanabilen Kuzatuv oynasi bilan jihozlangan 14, olov yoyilish darajasi sinov paytida shisha oyna va namuna cho'pday orqali kuzatilishi mumkin, va oyoq kaliti tomonidan avtomatik tarzda yozib olish mumkin.
    15. Kompyuter va standart sinov dasturi sinov jarayonini nazorat qilish uchun ishlatiladi.

    Product Feature of Otash yayılımı arra
    The apparatus consists of a radiant panel having dimensions of 280 x 483 mm, mounted vertically, and making an angle of 15° with the specimen.
    ​The orientation of the panel results in an incident radiant flux that decreases from 50 kW/m² at one end to approximately 1 kW/m² at the other end of the specimen.
    ​The sample is ignited by a non-impinging, gas/air pilot flame.
    ​Viewing rakes placed at a 50-mm spacing along the specimen.
    ​Heat Flux Meter - for setting the irradiance level at the surface of the specimens, the range from 0-50KW/m2.
    ​Portable water cooling system without need for waterworks and plumbing when using the Heat Flux meter.
    ​The radiant burner system is fully automatic, with spark ignition and safety interlocks.
    ​MFC (Mass Flow Controller) to easily measure the heat amount of methane gas in measuring critical heat flux.
    ​Camcorder to observe and save test conditions in a program during tests.
    To meet the IMO specification a stack is fitted complete with thermopile for estimating heat release rate.
    ​Records the spread rate of flame after this records ignition and extinguishment time of flame for each distance of specimens. And the other test results is Heat for ignition (MJ/㎡), Heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Critical flux at extinguishment (kW/㎡), Average heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Total heat release (kW),Peak heat release rate (kW) .

    How is flame spread measured?
    Flame spread rating is calculated by the distance a flame travels across a material, divided by the amount of time it takes to travel that distance. Testing for flame spread rating involves burning materials under controlled conditions and measuring the speed and extent of flame spread.

    What is spread of flame test?
    Flame spread tests aim at measuring the tendency of a flame to propagate over a substrate and directly correlate to surface flame propagation in a real fire scenario.

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