Xitoy ISO 6941 To'qimachilik mato Vertikal kuydirish Tester ishlab va yetkazib beruvchi | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

ISO 6941 To'qimachilik mato Vertikal kuydirish Tester

Qisqa Tasvir:

Vertikal Olov Tester, vertikal yo'naltirilgan mato Yanabilirlik qarshilik aniqlash uchun, va 45 ° o'yinchoqlar, o'yinchoqlar va yumshoq-to'ldirish o'yinchoq qilish uchun boshqa material uchun moddiy mato moyil.

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  • Mahsulot batafsil

    Mahsulot teglar

    ISO 6941 To'qimachilik mato Vertikal kuydirish Tester /  ISO 6940 vertikal Olov sinov uskunalari mato Moddiy
    Vertical Flammability Tester , to determine the flammability resistance of vertical oriented fabrics, and 45°inclined fabrics material for toys, other material to making toys and soft-filling toy.
    The gas is controlled by a solenoid valve, ignition time is digitally set and test result is displayed on large LCD. The improved marker threads mounting devices ensure easy and fast installation, with accurate burner and micro switch operated trip threads. 3 optical scanning devices are used to detect the severance of threads to offer accurate and reliable timing.
    viktorina standartlari
    BS ENG ISO 6940, ENG ISO 6941
    ISO6941 Textile Fabrics Vertical Burning Tester is used for testing the textile fabrics burining behaviour.Measurement of flame spread properties of vertically oriented specimens.
    It is also applicable to all kinds of textile material of flammability test;

    Texnik xususiyatlari

     O't oldirish vaqt sozlamalar oralig'i  0 ~ 99.99 s
     yonish Vaqt diapazoni  0 ~ 999,9 s
     Yong'in og'iz burchagi  gorizontal burchagi bilan: 0 ° / 30 °, 90 ° sozlanishi,
     test olov balandligi  20 mm / 40 mm
     namuna egalari  12 dona
     marker Mavzular  50 teks 45 tex
     yonish gaz  tijorat sinf propan va butan va butan / propan Aralashmalarning,
     Volume (ExBxY)   80x52x80 sm (ExBxY)
     Og'irligi (taxminan)  45 kg
     Quvvatlantirish manbai  1∮ AC 220V 50Hz
     viktorina standartlari  BS ENG ISO 6940, 6941 ENG ISO

     Kompaniya haqida ma'lumot

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    industrial sewing machine