China Waya ndi chingwe Moto fundo Tester Opanga ndi ogulitsa | konse
industrial sewing machine

Waya ndi chingwe Moto fundo Tester

Short Description:

This test apparatus to be used for testing cables required to maintain circuit integrity when subject to fire alone

  • Min.Order Kuchuluka: 1 wagawo
  • Price: kudzasintha
  • Phukusi: plywood Mlanduwu
  • Model: SL802
  • Standarads: IEC: IEC 60331-11 & 12: 2002, IEC 60331-21 ~ 23: 1999
  • mankhwala Mwatsatanetsatane

    Tags mankhwala

    Wire and Cable Fire Resistance Tester for Detecting the Fire Resistance of Wiring or Power Grid Cables

    Mankhwala oyamba a  Wire and C able F ire R esistance T Ester

    zida mayeso kuti ntchito zoti ziyesedwe zingwe chofunika kukhalabe dera umphumphu phunziro kwa moto yekha kapena moto ndi mantha pamene chikhalidwe mayeso amakhazikika pa lawi ndi kulamulidwa kutentha linanena bungwe logwirizana ndi kutentha osachepera 750˚C kapena moto ndi mantha pa kutentha osachepera 830 ° C.

    Magawo mankhwala a  Wire and C able F ire R esistance T Ester

    1. Heat Source : AGF Ribbon Type Propane Gas Burner
    2. Structured with 3 rows of cross holes, Average front width of burner: 15mm, Hole diameter: 1.32mm, Distance between the center: 3.2mm.
    3. A polished hole row in pilot hole for flame preservation in both faces of Burner plate.
    4. Two thermocouples are horizontally installed separated 45mm left and right of burner center-line to check temperature.
    5. Mass flow controllers to regulate the gas and air flow, the accuracy is not less than 1.5%.
    6. Software can show the burner calibration temperature, propane and air flow rate etc.
    7. The current is provided by a three-phase star transformer with sufficient capacity to maintain the required test voltage when circuit integrity cannot be maintained.
    8. Conductor connection indicator (LED indicator) to form a current.
    9. The voltage value is automatically set by software and adjusted by a panel controller.
    10. Digital display of the current and voltage data, accuracy of current is 0.001A.
    11. Current protection using fuse with 2A.
    12. The real-time measurement data of all current and voltage are collected by computer, and the curves of current and voltage are generated.
    13. When circuit integrity cannot be maintained, the corresponding indicator lamp is extinguished, the computer automatically determines the state and records the time, and sends out the sound and light alarm.

    Mankhwala Mbali ndipo Kugwiritsa la  Waya ndi C akhoza F ire R esistance T Ester

    1. Chitsanzo thandizo chipangizo adzakhala ngati kuti m'chimake kapena kutha kutetezedwa a chingwe kapena chingwe chitsanzo imayendetsedwa horizontally. Kumalekezero a magaziwo clamped ndi achepetsa atathana kuteteza gululi, ndi chimaliziro ena kuthandiza nyemba, chingwe kapena mbali pakati pa chingwe cha imayendetsedwa ndi mphete ziwiri zitsulo 300 mamilimita padera. Chitsulo pamphuno ndi mbali zina zitsulo za chipangizo akuthandiza bwino kupita kokacheza. The awiri lamkati la mphete zitsulo ndi pafupifupi 150 mm, ndi bala kuzungulira ndi awiri a 10 ± 2 mm ntchito.
    2. Buku poyatsira ndi American AGF propane riboni burner ndi nozzle kutalika 500mm ndi nozzle mwadzina m'lifupi mwake 15mm. The nozzle ali mizere itatu ya movutikira diameters mwadzina la 1.32mm ndi malo mtunda wa 3.2mm. Pali m'modzi pa mbali nozzle lapansi. Maenje yaing'ono kutumikira ngati kalozera mabowo kukhalabe lawi kuyaka, ndi kulolerana ooneka enieni ndi ± 5%;
    3. The kunja misa otaya Mtsogoleri nthawi mpweya ndi mpweya otaya, ndi lolondola kuwerenga si zosakwana 1.5%;
    4. Kunja kuthamanga kuchepetsa vavu akhoza kupereka kubwereketsa mavuto 0.1Mpa ± 3pa;
    5. Kunja kuthamanga n'zotsimikizira, angapereke 0-200kpa kuthamanga osiyanasiyana;
    6. Kunja Omega thermocouple ndi awiri a 1.5mm kuti calibration burner kutentha;
    7. Kodi anapereka yoyaka mayeso nthawi, ndipo basi anadula mpweya;
    8. Standard mayeso mapulogalamu, angasonyeze burner calibration kutentha, propane otaya, mpweya otaya;
    9. kuyesedwa kwathu ndi ntchito zingwe ndi oveteredwa voteji wa 0.6 / 1.0 KV ndi pansi;
    10. Pa mayeso, panopa ntchito kupitiriza anayendera adzakhala kudutsa ochititsa onse pachingwecho. Yatsopano iyi amaperekedwa ndi atatu gawo nyenyezi thiransifoma. The thiransifoma amatha zokwanira kusunga chofunika mayeso voteji pamene kutayikira panopa ali ololedwa. Kumapeto kwa nyemba, aliyense wochititsa kapena chilichonse ya ochititsa chikugwirizana ndi chipangizo akuloza (LED chizindikiro) kupanga panopa kudzera amene deta akhoza zopezera pakompyuta;
    11. kolowera voteji akhoza kulowa ndi kompyuta, basi anapereka mtengo voteji. Voteji akhoza kukhala abwino anatsekula kudzera mabatani gulu;
    12. dera mayeso chitetezo panopa akugwiritsa ndi lama fuyusi ndi mogwirizana ndi D II mtundu zafotokozeredwa GB 13539,5. Lama fuyusi muyezo 2A. Easy m'malo. Ndipo ntchito kunja kakang'ono dera breakers kuteteza M'dera lililonse mayeso;
    13. Panopa ndi voteji deta ya chingwe mayeso onse anadutsa chida yachiwiri, digitally anasonyeza, mayeso panopa molondola ndi 0.001A, ndipo panopa chenicheni 0.25A ndi bwino mayeso woyamba;
    14. Real nthawi muyeso deta ya mafunde onse ndi voltages ali zinapezedwa kompyuta ndi kupanga panopa ndi voteji zokhotakhota, kusonyeza panopa ndi voteji zokhotakhota aliyense chingwe m'mikhalidwe moto, ndi kudziwa ntchito moto kukana. Kusanthula winanso wa chingwe ngati ntchito ya nthawi moto zikhoza kupangidwa. Deta yomaliza kusungidwa mu Nawonso achichepere kompyuta ndi lipoti muyezo ndi kwaiye kwa mosavuta;
    15. calibration kutentha lawi pamaso mayeso, ndi kunja oti muli nazo zida thermocouple ndi calibrated, kutentha calibration Akusonkhanitsa ndi kompyuta kwa mphindi zosachepera 10, ndipo mode moto anasankha kompyuta. Malinga ndi mode moto okwanira, amene akuchita kompyuta azilandira boma zitsanzo zosankhidwazi ndi kusiyana mawerengedwe monga kutentha anasonkhana, ndipo amapereka lipoti yachinsinsi. Sungani lipoti kusunga pa Nawonso achichepere ndi kuonetsetsa kudalilika ndi ulamuliro wa yotsimikiza ya;
    16. Pa mayeso, mpweya ndi mpweya wothandiza ndi onse opha otaya misa, ndi venturi ndi wosanganiza, kompyuta basi akulamulira vavu otaya, ndi deta zalembedwa mu nthawi weniweni Nawonso achichepere. Kompyuta basi akulamulira mpweya ndi chiŵerengero wothandiza mpweya kuti kuyaka Mokwanira popanga khola moto ofunika lawi kutentha;
    17. dera amakhala mphamvu, M'dera lililonse utenga wa kunja chizindikiro kuwala. Pamene mzere uli chosakwanira pansi pa chikhalidwe lawi, ofanana dera chizindikiro chimatha. Kompyuta basi ndiyo zikuchitika, asaaonerera phokoso ndi kuwala Alamu.

    Ntchito: The waya ndi chingwe moto Tester ntchito kuyesa moto kulimbikira chingwe cha Kulumikizana kapena gululi, ndipo amayaka m'lawi la osachepera 750 ° C ndi 950 ° C kuyesa umphumphu wa chingwe kukhalabe dera la .

    P roduct Tsatanetsatane wa  Wire and C able F ire R esistance T Ester


    IEC: IEC 60331-11 & 12: 2002, IEC 60331-21 ~ 23: 1999
    IEC 60331 Mayeso kwa zingwe magetsi m'mikhalidwe Oil Dera kukhulupirika
    IEC 60331 Part 11 Moto ndekha lawi kutentha kwa osachepera 750˚C
    IEC 60331 Part 21 zingwe za oveteredwa voteji mpaka ndipo kuphatikizapo 0,6 / 1kV
    IEC 60331 Part 12 Moto ndi mantha pa lawi kutentha kwa osachepera 830˚C
    IEC 60331 Part 31Fire ndi zingwe mantha a voteji oveteredwa mpaka ndipo kuphatikizapo 0,6 / 1kV
    gawo: 1750 mm (W) × 680 mm (D) X 1400 mm (H)
    Kulemera kwake: 160kg

    amafuna unsembe

    Magetsi: AC 380V 3-gawo, 50 / 60Hz, 30A
    yozungulira Kutentha: opaleshoni 10 ° C kwa 35 ° C
    Kuyesedwa chipinda: 3,000 mm (W) × 3,000 mm (D) × 3,000mm (H)
    Mafuta: Air ndi Propane


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