China SL-FL21 Rigid Foam Vertical Burning Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline
industrial sewing machine

SL-FL21 Rigid Foam Vertical Burning Tester

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Riġidi Fowm Vertikali kombustjoni Instron għall-għoli tal-fjamma, ma jinħaraqx ħin u telf ta 'piż ta' foams thermoset riġidi f'kondizzjoni vertikali, skond il-GB / T 8333 u ASTM D3014a.

  • Min.order Kwantità: 1 unità
  • Prezz: negozjabbli
  • Pakkett: Plywood Kawża
  • Mudell: SL-FL21
  • Istandards: ASTM D3014, GB 8624: 2012, GB / T 8333: 2008
  • Dettall tal-prodott

    prodott Tags

    ASTM D3014 Rigid Foam Vertical Burning Tester for Hard Thermoset Foam

    Introduzzjoni tal-prodott tal-  Riġidi Fowm Vertikali Ħruq Instron

    Riġidi Fowm Vertikali kombustjoni Instron għall-għoli tal-fjamma, ma jinħaraqx ħin u telf ta 'piż ta' foams thermoset riġidi f'kondizzjoni vertikali, skond il-GB / T 8333 u ASTM D3014a.

    Parametri Prodott ta 'l-  l-  Riġidi Fowm Vertikali Ħruq Instron

    1.Equipped with a Bunsen burner, which provides a test temperature of 900 degrees;
    2.Thermocouples can be moved manually to avoid prolonged exposure to flame damage;
    3.The test can be done with one button and the burner adopts the automatic push mode;
    4.By testing the steel ruler, the length of combustion can be displayed;
    5.Gas flow can be adjusted and cut off by itself;
    6.The test box is treated with Teflon to avoid corrosion.

    Dettalji tal-Prodott tal-  l-  l-  Riġidi Fowm Vertikali Ħruq Instron

    ASTM D3014, GB 8624: 2012
    GB / T 8333: 2008
    Dimensjoni: 420 mm (W) x 350 mm (D) x 520 mm (H)
    Piż: 15kg

    ħtiġijiet ta 'installazzjoni
    Ħtiġiet ta 'enerġija: 220v, 50Hz
    temperatura ambjentali: 10 ° C sa 35 ° C
    ispazju Installazzjoni: fume tqegħid barnuża
    Rekwiżiti Gass: propan industrijali

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    industrial sewing machine