Ċina Glow Wajer Nar Ittestjar Tagħmir manifatturi u Fornituri | orizzont
industrial sewing machine

Glow-wajer Nar Ittestjar Tagħmir

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Il-kamra u l-kontroll fjamma parti tad-disinn l-integrat, installazzjoni konvenjenti u l-operazzjoni.

  • Min.order Kwantità: 1 unità
  • Prezz: negozjabbli
  • Pakkett: Plywood Kawża
  • Mudell: SL-7608
  • Istandards: IEC60695-2-10 ~ 13, UL746A, IEC829, DIN695, VDE0471
  • Dettall tal-prodott

    prodott Tags

    IEC60695-2-10~13 Glow-wire Flammability Testing Equipment

    Prodott Tekniku parametri tal-  Glow wajer Fjammabbiltà Instron
     Speċjali ta 'test chamber  0.5 CBN (W1000 * D600 * H1260mm)
     firxa tat-temperatura  500 ~ 1000 ° C, jistgħu jkunu taġġusta u displayer diġitali.
     żball temperatura  ± 10 ° C (500 ~ 750 ° Ċ) u ± 15 ° C (750 ~ 1000 ° Ċ), il-klassi ta 'eżattezza ta' ± 0.5.
     sensur tat-temperatura  thermocouple K-tip li qies huwa Φ0.5, minn barranija.
     Pressjoni biex kampjun  0.8N ~ 1.2N, u l-fond ta 'l-istampa ma għandhomx anqas minn 7mm
     timer  0 ~ 99s 99min, jista 'jkun jaġġustaw fil-firxa
     There are 3 timer for this machine, respectively BURNING TIMER (Ta),   normal setting it of 30s as standards,Duration burning timer (Ti) and flame die timer.
     żball ħin  ± 1s
     saff speċjali  Smooth bord injam (ħxuna 10mm) b'tissue tgeżwir saff (12g / m2 ~ 30gm2) fuq il-bord, u l-pożizzjoni f'distanza ta '200 ± 5mm
     Simple operation, the measuring temperature system is   stabilization and reliable, auto temperature compensation.
     provvista ta 'enerġija  220V / AC ± 10%, 50Hz


    Skond IEC60695-2-10 ~ 13, UL746A, IEC829, DIN695, VDE0471etc.

    Product Features of the Glow-wire Flammability Testing Equipment
    1. The flaming chamber and control part of the integrated design, convenient installation and operation.
    2. The shell of chamber and main parts made of stainless steel, which resistant smoke and withstand the rust of gas
    3. SCR automatic control system to automatically adjust the current to achieve the purpose of control the precise of temperature;
    4. Time and temperature display by digital, convenient for observation and records, stabilization and reliable for use.

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    industrial sewing machine