China EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline

EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester

Short Description:

Sprea zvomoto tester inoshandiswa kuongorora combustion unhu njanji zvinhu uye chikepe zvokuvakisa uye zviyero kupararira yevanhu womoto, murazvo kuti kuvesa kubudikidza marefu, CFE (Critical nekubudisa pa Extinguishment) uye zvachose kupisa kusunungurwa.

  • Min.Order Quantity: 1 chikwata
  • Price: Negotiable
  • Nhuri: Plywood Case
  • Model: SL805
  • Standards: ISO 5658-2-2006、CSN EN 45545-2+A1:2015、
  • Product Detail

    Product Tags

    Spread of Flame Tester With Computer and standard test software control

    Product Introduction of Kupararira Flame Tester

    Sprea zvomoto tester inoshandiswa kuongorora combustion unhu njanji zvinhu uye chikepe zvokuvakisa uye zviyero kupararira yevanhu womoto, murazvo kuti kuvesa kubudikidza marefu, CFE (Critical nekubudisa pa Extinguishment) uye zvachose kupisa kusunungurwa. Izvi bvunzo nzira iri rakabva ISO 5658-2 (Maonerwo moto testsSpread pamusoro flame- Part 2 lateral kupararira vachivaka zvigadzirwa mu wehunyambiri configuration) uye zviyero combustion maitiro kutwasuka chiratidzazvizhinji (155mmX800mm).
    ​ISO 5658-2 : Reaction to fire tests Spread of flame - Part 2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration
    IMO Resolution A. 653 (16): Zvinotarisirwa nomoto bvunzo nzira kuti flammability pamusoro bulkhead, sirin'i uye uriri kumugumo zvokuvakisa
    ​ASTM E 1317 : Standard test method for flammability of marine surface finishes

    Product  parameters  ose  Kupararira Flame Tester


     2200 mm (W) X 2120 mm (H) x 1100 mm (D)



     Electricity zvinodiwa

     220 V, 10 Amps

     Ambient tembiricha

     10 ° C kusvika 35 ° C

     Calibration gasi


     Combustion gasi

     propane kana methane


     ISO 5658-2-2006, CSN EN 45545-2 A1 +: 2015,

     IMO FTPC Part 5, IMO Res.A.653 (16),


     njanji dzaifanoiswa, kutumirwa zvinhu, vamwe minda

    Product Performance unhu  pamusoro Kupararira Flame Tester

    1. bvunzo Chishandiso ine mana makuru zvinoriumba: kuva nemwaranzi ndiro mumabhuraketi uye kutaridza mharidzo mumabhuraketi, izvo zvakabatanidzwa pamwe chete kuumba inodiwa mamiriro pamwe nemwaranzi ndiro, mharidzo chikomboredzo uye kuvesa burner.
    2. nemwaranzi ndiro rinopa nemwaranzi pose anenge 480 mm X 280 neMM, uye simbi chidzitiro inopiwa pamusoro nemwaranzi mberi kuti kuwedzera nemwaranzi.
    3. Air kunobva nemwaranzi ndiro inopiwa blower, uye kakawanda convert inoshandiswa waidzora nayo.
    4. Use propane gobvu aibuda controller waidzora gasi bhuku, pamwe Venturi chisanganiso, kuwadzana mhepo, uye kupa combustion gasi mabviro nemwaranzi ndiro.
    5. Kupa munhu porous calibration mundiro uye unomutsa njanji imwe zvishoma nezvishoma mumatope kupisa aibuda mita anogona kuona kana kupisa nemwaranzi nekubudisa rinoita zvinodiwa mureza.
    6. Water-dzaserera kupisa nemwaranzi zvinoyerera Switch, rinoshandiswa kuyera kupisa nemwaranzi nekubudisa munyonga nemwaranzi ndiro.
    7. mvura Portable kutonhora achiparadzira mudziyo anogona kubvisa pamusoro kukuru kupisa chokubuda mita.
    8. zvedongo chubhu burner anogona kuita pamusoro pemvura bvunzo yokuenzanisira kubudikidza rakavhurika moto zvakananga.
    9. Rotor flowmeter anogona kupa yakavhenganiswa combustion gasi nokuda zvedongo chubhu burner.
    10. Misa kuyerera controller anogona kuyera kukuru methane nyore nokuyera dzinonetsa kupisa nekubudisa.
    11. Maererano IMO bvunzo mitemo, thermocouple namano zvinogona akapa kuyera kupisa vasunungurwe mwero uye vamwe chokuita parameters.
    12. The methane calibration burner uye methane guru riyerere controller anogona kupa 1KW uye 3KW nomurazvo tembiricha.
    13. Munguva bvunzo, kamera anogona kuchengeta uye kuponesa nokuyerwa mamiriro mupurogiramu.
    14. Vaine necheparutivi-chinjika pakuongorora girazi, murazvo kupararira mwero inogona kuchengetwa kuburikidza girazi girazi uye mharidzo hara mumuedzo, uye anogona kunyorwa rwoga netsoka chinja.
    15. Computer uye mwero bvunzo Software zvinoshandiswa kudzora bvunzo rikurumidze.

    Product Feature of Kupararira Flame Tester
    The apparatus consists of a radiant panel having dimensions of 280 x 483 mm, mounted vertically, and making an angle of 15° with the specimen.
    ​The orientation of the panel results in an incident radiant flux that decreases from 50 kW/m² at one end to approximately 1 kW/m² at the other end of the specimen.
    ​The sample is ignited by a non-impinging, gas/air pilot flame.
    ​Viewing rakes placed at a 50-mm spacing along the specimen.
    ​Heat Flux Meter - for setting the irradiance level at the surface of the specimens, the range from 0-50KW/m2.
    ​Portable water cooling system without need for waterworks and plumbing when using the Heat Flux meter.
    ​The radiant burner system is fully automatic, with spark ignition and safety interlocks.
    ​MFC (Mass Flow Controller) to easily measure the heat amount of methane gas in measuring critical heat flux.
    ​Camcorder to observe and save test conditions in a program during tests.
    To meet the IMO specification a stack is fitted complete with thermopile for estimating heat release rate.
    ​Records the spread rate of flame after this records ignition and extinguishment time of flame for each distance of specimens. And the other test results is Heat for ignition (MJ/㎡), Heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Critical flux at extinguishment (kW/㎡), Average heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Total heat release (kW),Peak heat release rate (kW) .

    How is flame spread measured?
    Flame spread rating is calculated by the distance a flame travels across a material, divided by the amount of time it takes to travel that distance. Testing for flame spread rating involves burning materials under controlled conditions and measuring the speed and extent of flame spread.

    What is spread of flame test?
    Flame spread tests aim at measuring the tendency of a flame to propagate over a substrate and directly correlate to surface flame propagation in a real fire scenario.

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