China EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline

EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester

Faamatalaga puupuu:

Sprea o afi tester o loo faaaogaina e iloilo combustion uiga o mea nofoaafi ma mea vaa ma faiga fua faatatau faasalalauina atu o le afi, afi mo sulu e mamao, CFE (Taua Flux i Extinguishment) ma le faamatuuina vevela atoa.

  • Min.Order Aotelega: 1 iunite
  • Tau: o feagaiga tau tupe
  • Afifi: Mataupu Plywood
  • Faataitaiga: SL805
  • Tulaga Faatonuina: ISO 5658-2-2006、CSN EN 45545-2+A1:2015、
  • Faamatalaga oloa

    pine o oloa

    Spread of Flame Tester With Computer and standard test software control

    Product Introduction of Faasalalauina o le afi Tester

    Sprea o afi tester o loo faaaogaina e iloilo combustion uiga o mea nofoaafi ma mea vaa ma faiga fua faatatau faasalalauina atu o le afi, afi mo sulu e mamao, CFE (Taua Flux i Extinguishment) ma le faamatuuina vevela atoa. ua amata lenei metotia suega mai ISO 5658-2 (tali atu i le afi testsSpread o flame- Vaega 2 salalau Lateral i le fausiaina o oloa i configuration tūsaʻo) ma faiga combustion uiga o mo suesuega tūsaʻo (155mmX800mm).
    ​ISO 5658-2 : Reaction to fire tests Spread of flame - Part 2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration
    IMO Iugafono A. 653 (16): Fautuaina i le afi taualumaga suega mo flammability o bulkhead, mea tini taualuga ma fogavaa
    ​ASTM E 1317 : Standard test method for flammability of marine surface finishes

    Oloa  faataamilosaga  Faasalalauina o le afi Tester


     2200 mm (W) x 2120 mm (H) X 1100 mm (D)



     manaoga o le eletise

     220 V, 10 Amps

     vevela Ambient

     10 ° C i le 35 ° C

     Calibration kasa


     kasa Combustion

     alu i le kesi po o methane

     tulaga faatonuina

     ISO 5658-2-2006, CSN IT 45545-2 + A1: 2015,

     IMO FTPC Vaega 5, IMO Res.A.653 (16),


     nofoaafi uia, o Vaa mea, o isi fanua

    Uiga Faatinoga o Galuega oloa  o le Faasalalauina o le afi Tester

    1. O le aofia ai meafaigaluega tofotofoga o le vaega autu e fa: a seti o le leisa puipui ipu ma se seti o puipui faataitaiga, lea e fesootai faatasi e fausia ai le faatulagaga e manaomia ma ipu leisa, puipui faataitaiga ma burner sulu.
    2. O le leisa ipu maua ai se leisa luga o e uiga 480 mm X 280 mm, ma ua tuuina atu lau uamea i le leisa luma e faateleina ai le leisa.
    3. puna Air o ipu leisa ua tuuina atu e blower, ma o loo faaaogaina faaliliu taimi e faatonutonu ai.
    4. Faaaoga pule tafe vaega tele alu i le kesi e faatonutonu puna kasa, galulue faatasi ma mea palu Venturi, palu i le ea, ma tuuina combustion puna kasa mo ipu leisa.
    5. Saunia se ipu calibration porous ma agai ala o se mita tafe vevela sliding mafai ona iloa pe o le vevela leisa flux ausia manaoga o le tulaga faatonuina.
    6. cooled-Vai sensor flux leisa vevela, lea ua faaaoga e fuafua i ai le piʻoga flux leisa vevela o ipu le leisa.
    7. vai feaveai cooling masini o lo o faasalalauina mafai ona aveese ai le vevela luga o le vevela mita tafe.
    8. O le burner faagaau keramika mafai ona tuusao galue i luga o le faataitaiga o le suega i le afi tatala.
    9. flowmeter Rotor mafai ona maua ai kasa combustion fefiloi mo burner faagaau keramika.
    10. pule tafe Misasa e mafai ona faigofie ona fuaina le vevela o methane e fuaina le flux vevela faitio.
    11. E tusa ai IMO tulaga faatonuina o tofotofoga, e mafai ona tuuina thermocouple masini e fua ai le fua faatatau faamatuu vevela ma isi tapulaa fesootai i ai.
    12. O le burner calibration methane ma pulea tafe vaega tele methane mafai ona maua 1KW ma 3KW vevela mumū.
    13. I le taimi o le suega, e mafai ona tausia le mea pueata ma faasaoina le setete fua i le polokalama.
    14. faatotogaina i se tulimanu-ma faʻafetauina faata matauga, e mafai ona matauina le fua faatatau afi faasalalauina e ala i tioata faata ma salu faataitaiga i le taimi o le tofotofoga, ma e mafai ona tusia otometi lava ona e ki vae.
    15. loo faaaogaina komepiuta ma polokalama suega tulaga e pulea ai le faagasologa o le suega.

    Product Feature of Faasalalauina o le afi Tester
    The apparatus consists of a radiant panel having dimensions of 280 x 483 mm, mounted vertically, and making an angle of 15° with the specimen.
    ​The orientation of the panel results in an incident radiant flux that decreases from 50 kW/m² at one end to approximately 1 kW/m² at the other end of the specimen.
    ​The sample is ignited by a non-impinging, gas/air pilot flame.
    ​Viewing rakes placed at a 50-mm spacing along the specimen.
    ​Heat Flux Meter - for setting the irradiance level at the surface of the specimens, the range from 0-50KW/m2.
    ​Portable water cooling system without need for waterworks and plumbing when using the Heat Flux meter.
    ​The radiant burner system is fully automatic, with spark ignition and safety interlocks.
    ​MFC (Mass Flow Controller) to easily measure the heat amount of methane gas in measuring critical heat flux.
    ​Camcorder to observe and save test conditions in a program during tests.
    To meet the IMO specification a stack is fitted complete with thermopile for estimating heat release rate.
    ​Records the spread rate of flame after this records ignition and extinguishment time of flame for each distance of specimens. And the other test results is Heat for ignition (MJ/㎡), Heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Critical flux at extinguishment (kW/㎡), Average heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Total heat release (kW),Peak heat release rate (kW) .

    How is flame spread measured?
    Flame spread rating is calculated by the distance a flame travels across a material, divided by the amount of time it takes to travel that distance. Testing for flame spread rating involves burning materials under controlled conditions and measuring the speed and extent of flame spread.

    What is spread of flame test?
    Flame spread tests aim at measuring the tendency of a flame to propagate over a substrate and directly correlate to surface flame propagation in a real fire scenario.

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