China Automotive wires Flammability Testing Equipment Manufacturers na Suppliers | skyline

Automotive wires Flammability Testing Equipment

Short Description:

Single waya / cable vetikal combustion tester tumadi maka onye na-eduzi n'obosara ukwuu karịa 8mm (ngalaba ebe dị ukwuu karịa 0.5mm2) ma ọ bụ ihe na-erughị 8mm (ngalaba ebe ihe na-erughị 0.5mm2) nke otu waya USB flammability nwale.

  • Min.Order ibu: 1 unit
  • Ahịa: Okwukwe
  • Ngwugwu: Plywood Case
  • Model: SL-S28
  • Standard: ISO 6722
  • Product Ihe

    Product Tags

    Automotive Wires Flammability Testing Equipment

    Product afọ nke Automotive wires Flammability Testing Equipment

     Dimension  500x650x400 mm
     Burning gas iji elu-adị ọcha propane gas  mmanụ petrol gasị
     Nwara wires ogologo: 600mm (24)  Sample clamping n'akuku: 45 ogo
     The bunsen burner nwere 13mm uzo mmiri onu na 10mm (3/8 na) elu ọnụ n'obosara, ịgba ọkụ anwụrụ elu ire ọkụ n'obosara na-100mm (4in)  n'ime oku bụ 50 mm (1 / 2in), okpomọkụ nke obi ire ọkụ dị ka ọ dịghị ihe ọzọ 900 ogo Celsius
     The Bunsen burner ire ọkụ ga-etinye na ala nke samples na perpendicular na axis nke sample  The n'ọnụ n'ime oku ọrụ kwesịrị ịbụ na midpoint nke sample
     Automatic mgbanye  ire ọkụ ọkụ na sample-anọgide na 15 sekọnd na-agbanyụ na akpaghị aka
     Mgbe ọkụ 15 sekọnd  ga-oge na-nọgide na-enwu, mezue nọgidere na-ere oge ruo mgbe aka iso na-ere anwụrụ ma yipụ stop button
     Burning gas na-adịghị ọnọ na tester  ọ ga-enye ndị ahịa

    Product iwebata nke Automotive wires Flammability Testing Equipment

    Single waya / cable vetikal combustion tester tumadi maka onye na-eduzi n'obosara ukwuu karịa 8mm (ngalaba ebe dị ukwuu karịa 0.5mm2) ma ọ bụ ihe na-erughị 8mm (ngalaba ebe ihe na-erughị 0.5mm2) nke otu waya USB flammability nwale. Adabara ọkụ na ngwá, ala-voltaji ọkụ ngwa, ezinụlọ ngwa, eletriki ngwaọrụ, electric moto, electric ngwaọrụ, electronic ngwá, eletriki ngwá, eletriki njikọta na ngwa ndị dị otú ahụ dị ka eletriki na ngwaahịa na mmiri nke nnyocha, mmepụta na àgwà nnyocha ngalaba . Nkebi a jiri mere ndị atụ aro ngwaahịa Ọdịdị nke ikuku Ịgwakọta Ọdịdị na Odide Ntụkwasị B nke GB18380.12-2008, na-emezu ihe ndị a chọrọ nke àgwà nnyocha unit na zuru ezu.

    Product Njirimara na Ngwa nke Automotive wires Flammability Testing Equipment

    Single cable vetikal ọkụ ule na-setịpụrụ size Bunsen (Bunsen burner) na kpọmkwem gas iyi (Bing Wan), dị ka a na-ire ọkụ elu na ụfọdụ ngwa nke ire ọkụ n'akuku na vetikal ala nke sample ngwa ule mgbanye oge, mgbanye, combustion oge na combustion na-amata ya ogologo flammable na ọkụ odachi.

    Product Nkọwa nke Automotive wires Flammability Testing Equipment
    gosiri voltaji 50 V MMS ma ọ bụ n'okpuru ala ugbo ala na ala voltaji eletriki usoro nke bụ isi cable ire ọkụ retardant ule, akpakanamde wires. Nke a ngwá ka nke akara panel, flammability ulo, Bunsen burner, akpa valvụ, High mgbali mgbanye, Gas ọjà, Pressure inye iwu valves, ngụ oge, Ukara valvụ akara waya


    What is Fire Testing of Automotive Wires?
    We offer a variety of automotive fire testing services, including test instruments for fire, flammability and smoke testing standards, to verify the performance of your automotive interior materials and fuel tanks. And ensure the most basic safety performance of the car. Whether it's a burn caused by other objects or a self-exploding fuel tank, we need to be prepared for these protections.

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