China EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester Manufacturers and Suppliers | Skyline

EN 45545 Spread of Flame Tester

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Sprea de lasair Tester a chleachdadh gus measadh a dhèanamh losgaidh feartan rèile stuthan agus soitheach stuthan agus ceumannan sgaoileadh ìre de lasair, lasair airson Ignition le astaran, CFE (Critical flux aig Extinguishment) agus iomlan teas release.

  • Min.Order Quantity: 1 aonad
  • Price: aontachadh
  • Pasgan: Fiodh Case
  • Modail: SL805
  • Inbhean: ISO 5658-2-2006、CSN EN 45545-2+A1:2015、
  • bathar Detail

    bathar Tags

    Spread of Flame Tester With Computer and standard test software control

    Product Introduction of Sgaoileadh Flame Tester

    Sprea de lasair Tester a chleachdadh gus measadh a dhèanamh losgaidh feartan rèile stuthan agus soitheach stuthan agus ceumannan sgaoileadh ìre de lasair, lasair airson Ignition le astaran, CFE (Critical flux aig Extinguishment) agus iomlan teas release. Tha an deuchainn seo tha modh bho ISO 5658-2 (Reaction gu teine ​​testsSpread de flame- Pàirt 2 taobhach air a sgaoileadh bathar togail ann dìreach rèiteachaidh) agus ceumannan losgaidh feartan dhìreach SAMPALL (155mmX800mm).
    ​ISO 5658-2 : Reaction to fire tests Spread of flame - Part 2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration
    IMO Resolution A. 653 (16): Moladh air teine deuchainn modhan airson flammability de bulkhead, mullach agus an deic a 'crìochnachadh stuthan
    ​ASTM E 1317 : Standard test method for flammability of marine surface finishes

    Bathar  crìochan  de  Sgaoileadh Flame Tester


     2200 mm (W) x 2120 mm (H) x 1100 mm (D)



     dealan riatanasan

     220 V, 10 Amps

     Teòthachd Ambient

     10 ° C gu 35 ° C

     Calibration gas


     Combustion gas

     propane no meatan


     ISO 5658-2-2006, CSN EN 45545-2 + A1: 2015

     IMO FTPC Pàirt 5, IMO Res.A.653 (16),


     rèile siubhal, shipping stuthan eile, achaidhean

    Bathar Coileanaidh feartan  de Sgaoileadh Flame Tester

    1. Tha an deuchainn ionnstramaid tha ceithir prìomh phàirtean: seata de rèididheachd truinnsear eadar camagan, agus seata de shampall eadar camagan, a tha co-cheangailte còmhla gus an structar a dhìth le rèididheachd truinnsear, shampall camagan agus Ignition burner.
    2. Tha an rèididheachd truinnsear a 'toirt rèididheachd uachdar mu 480 mm X 280 mm, agus an glacadh-meatailt air a thoirt air aghaidh rèididheachd a mheudachadh rèididheachd.
    3. Air an tùs de rèididheachd truinnsear a thoirt seachad le Sèideadair, agus tricead converter air a chleachdadh gus smachd a chumail air.
    4. Cleachd propane mòr-sruth rianadair riaghladh gas tùs, co-obrachadh le Venturi measgachaidh, measgachadh le adhair, agus a 'toirt losgaidh gas an tùs rèididheachd truinnsear.
    5. Toirt tiuchanach calibration truinnsear agus a 'gluasad Àireamh de spèilidh teas sruth meatair urrainn lorgadh a bheil an teas rèididheachd flux a' coinneachadh ri riatanasan an ìre.
    6. Water-fuarachadh teas rèididheachd flux sensor, a tha air a chleachdadh gus tomhas an teas rèididheachd flux lùb de rèididheachd truinnsear.
    7. Portable uisge fuarachadh sgaoileadh urrainn uidheam a thoirt air falbh an uachdar teas teas sruth meatair.
    8. Tha an obair-chrèadha tube burner urrainn dìreach a dhèanamh air uachdar na deuchainn-sampaill le teine fosgailte.
    9. roth flowmeter a thoirt measgaichte losgaidh gas airson ceramic tube burner.
    10. Mass sruth rianadair Is urrainn dhut a thomhais an teas meatan le bhith a 'tomhas na breithneachail teas flux.
    11. A rèir IMO deuchainn inbhean, thermocouple Faodaidh innealan a thoirt a thomhas teas release ìre is eile co-cheangailte Paramadairean.
    12. Tha meatan calibration burner agus meatan mòr-sruth rianadair a thoirt 1KW agus 3KW lasair Teòthachd.
    13. Aig àm na deuchainn, tha an camara a 'faicinn agus a' sàbhaladh a 'tomhas an staid anns a' phrògram.
    14. uidheamaichte le ceàrn-rèitichte Amharc sgàthan, thèid an lasair a 'sgaoileadh ìre Faodar tro' ghloine sgàthan agus shampall ràcan aig àm na deuchainn, agus faodar an clàradh fèin-obrachail le bonn suidse.
    15. 'Choimpiutair agus inbhe deuchainn bathar-bog a tha air an cleachdadh gus smachd a chumail air an deuchainn a' phròiseas.

    Product Feature of Sgaoileadh Flame Tester
    The apparatus consists of a radiant panel having dimensions of 280 x 483 mm, mounted vertically, and making an angle of 15° with the specimen.
    ​The orientation of the panel results in an incident radiant flux that decreases from 50 kW/m² at one end to approximately 1 kW/m² at the other end of the specimen.
    ​The sample is ignited by a non-impinging, gas/air pilot flame.
    ​Viewing rakes placed at a 50-mm spacing along the specimen.
    ​Heat Flux Meter - for setting the irradiance level at the surface of the specimens, the range from 0-50KW/m2.
    ​Portable water cooling system without need for waterworks and plumbing when using the Heat Flux meter.
    ​The radiant burner system is fully automatic, with spark ignition and safety interlocks.
    ​MFC (Mass Flow Controller) to easily measure the heat amount of methane gas in measuring critical heat flux.
    ​Camcorder to observe and save test conditions in a program during tests.
    To meet the IMO specification a stack is fitted complete with thermopile for estimating heat release rate.
    ​Records the spread rate of flame after this records ignition and extinguishment time of flame for each distance of specimens. And the other test results is Heat for ignition (MJ/㎡), Heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Critical flux at extinguishment (kW/㎡), Average heat for sustained burning (MJ/㎡), Total heat release (kW),Peak heat release rate (kW) .

    How is flame spread measured?
    Flame spread rating is calculated by the distance a flame travels across a material, divided by the amount of time it takes to travel that distance. Testing for flame spread rating involves burning materials under controlled conditions and measuring the speed and extent of flame spread.

    What is spread of flame test?
    Flame spread tests aim at measuring the tendency of a flame to propagate over a substrate and directly correlate to surface flame propagation in a real fire scenario.

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