China Building Ihe Anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta Tester Manufacturers na Suppliers | skyline
industrial sewing machine

Building Ihe Anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta Tester

Short Description:

Its theoretical basis is Billumber’s law, that is, the smoke produced by burning materials is directly impacted by flame, and the light penetration is shielded after burning materials. The excess rate is then used to determine the smoke density value (SDR).

  • Min.Order ibu: 1 unit
  • Ahịa: Okwukwe
  • Ngwugwu: Plywood Case
  • Model: SL818
  • Standards: ASTM D2843, DIN 4102 B1
  • Product Ihe

    Product Tags

    ASTM D2843 Building Material Smoke Density Tester

    Product Profile of Building Ihe Anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta Tester

    Ndị na-ese njupụta tester maka iwuli ihe na mepụtara Rohm Haas Company of America maka esịtidem akara. Ọ e mepụtara na 1970 dị ka ASTM D2843 ọkọlọtọ. Ya n'ọnụ ndabere bụ Billumber iwu, ya bụ, anwụrụ ọkụ na-emepụta site na-ere ọkụ ihe na-na mmetụta ire ọkụ, na ìhè penetration na-echebekwa sure ihe. Ngafe ọnụego na-ahụ na-eji na-ekpebi anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta uru (SDR). Ugbu a, ihe na ọzọ ngwa agafeela mba ọkọlọtọ GB 8624, maka anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta ule nke ịkwanyere casing, ma n'ihi na anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta arụmọrụ ule nke akpakanamde ime ihe.

    Performance e ji mara  of Building Material Smoke Density Tester

    1. Testing kabinet na-ntekwasa na Teflon, nke nwere ike imeri anwụrụ ọkụ ozize mere site combustion na ogologo ndụ nke ngwaahịa na nke ukwuu.
    2. nwụnye nke na-acha ọcha-ndabere uhie leta "Wepụ" font na ala nke igbe. Site uzo chọpụtara window, testers nwere ike ịmata ihe dị iche doro anya na ajị ajị ala nke sample mgbe na.
    3. The ule ìhè isi na-incandescent oriọna, photoelectric mmetụta bụ sịlịkọn ìhè diode, sịlịkọn ìhè diode nwere cosine mmezi ọrụ, na-onwem na agba iyo, nke nzà si ultraviolet na infrared ìhè na ụmụ mmadụ na anya nwere ike na-aghọta, na nwere magburu onwe anya kenha.
    4. N'okpuru 276 KPA mgbali nke isi burner, ule sample e mmetụta ire ọkụ, na ụmụ irighiri mmiri na-impacted site inyeaka burner.
    5. The gas mgbali nke inyeaka burner bụ 138KPA, nke ozokwa combusts wụrụ awụ ụmụ irighiri mmiri.
    6. The ọkọlọtọ ule software nwere ike ọ bụghị nanị na-egosipụta na-agafe ọnụego nke ìhè Reuters kwa 15s, ma ise nnyefe ule usoro. Mgbe ule, ndị software nwere ike na-egosipụta SDR anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta uru, ya bụ, anwụrụ ọkụ integral uru.
    7. anwale software, ule akụkọ nke atọ dị iche iche nke ule samples nwere ike synthesized, na a usoro nke SDR anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta development ike mmasị.
    8. Computer software nwere ike iji tụnyere ihe SDR nke atọ dị iche iche nke ule results n'otu oge, na-akpaghị aka na-ekpe ikpe ma ule pụta pụrụ izute mkpa nke ule pụta.
    9. Data nwere ike ịbụ mmepụta site na kọmputa, ejikọrọ na-ebipụta ma printable ule akụkọ, nke bụ adaba n'ihi na ọrụ iji.

    Product kwa nke  Building Ihe Anwụrụ ọkụ njupụta Tester

     akụkụ  900 mm (W) x 450 mm (D) x 900 mm (H)
     ibu  39KG
     eletrik chọrọ  220V, 3A
     ihere okpomọkụ  10 ° C na 35 ° C
     nwụnye ohere  Fume hundu pụrụ isi chọta
     combustion gas  propane
     gas mgbali  dịghị ihe na-erughị 0.3MPA
     Standards  ASTM D2843, DIN 4102 B1
     ngwa  Ụlọ ihe, akpakanamde interiors

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