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Муқовимат оташ Хӯди оташ Санҷиши сўхтани

Кӯтоҳ Тавсифи:

хӯди оташ тобовар-оташ дастгоҳи санҷиши сўхтани аз рӯи NFPA 1971-2007 стандарти озмоиши тањия карда мешавад. принсипи озмоиши он аст, ки таҳти амали радиатсионӣ гармидиҳӣ, таъсири оташ кушод оид ба қисматҳои гуногуни хӯди оташ, ва он гоҳ иҷрои шӯълаи-retardant он бемори.

  • Min.Order Теъдоди: 1 адад
  • Нарх: Negotiable
  • Бастаи: фанери Парвандаи
  • Модел: SL849
  • Стандартҳои: GA 44:2004、NFPA 1971-2007: 8.3
  • Detail Маҳсулоти

    Маҳсулоти Tags

    NFPA 1971-2007 Fire Helmet Fire Resistance Combustion Test Device

    Профили Маҳсулоти аз дастгоҳ оташ Хӯди Муқовимат оташ сўхтани Test

    хӯди оташ тобовар-оташ дастгоҳи санҷиши сўхтани аз рӯи NFPA 1971-2007 стандарти озмоиши тањия карда мешавад. принсипи озмоиши он аст, ки таҳти амали радиатсионӣ гармидиҳӣ, таъсири оташ кушод оид ба қисматҳои гуногуни хӯди оташ, ва он гоҳ иҷрои шӯълаи-retardant он бемори.

    Хусусиятҳои Иљрои дастгоҳ оташ Хӯди оташ Муқовимат сўхтани Test

    1. The radiation heat source is steel heating pipe. The temperature of heating pipe can be adjusted by using PID temperature control mode, so as to adjust the heat radiation flux. The heat radiation flux can be controlled in the range of 10 kW/m2+1 kW/m2, and the heat radiation flux can be accurately adjusted to 0.1 kW/m2.
    2. Imported water-cooled heat flow meter is used to monitor the heat radiation output flux. The measuring range of water-cooled heat flow is 0-50kW/m2.
    3. Equipped with self-circulating cooling water device, the surface temperature of water-cooled heat flowmeter can be taken away to achieve protection function.
    4. Provide secondary instruments to display the value of heat radiation flux.
    5. The burner is a lamp device with a nozzle diameter of 13 mm+3 mm.
    6. Provide gas secondary decompression device to provide stable gas pressure;
    7. By adjusting the gas flow rate with a rotor flowmeter, the flame temperature can be controlled in the range of 1100 ~1300 C.
    8. A K-type thermocouple is equipped to measure the temperature at the tip of the inner flame and provide a secondary instrument to display the flame temperature value.
    9. Equipped with time relay, the test time of burning flame of Bunsen lamp can be controlled for 15 seconds.
    10. Equipped with time timer, it can record the duration of flame continuation of cap and shell.
    11. The radiation source is shielded by pneumatic baffle to avoid the radiation test sample. When the test begins, it opens automatically and closes automatically after the test ends.
    12. The radiation heat source radiates directly to the top of the helmet, and the height of the specimen can be adjusted.
    13. Equipped with a metal head die that meets the average requirement of GB/T 2428-1998 "Adult Head and Face Size";
    14. The metal die is installed in the test cabin and the height can be adjusted manually.
    15. Metal die can adjust left and right position by Y axis.
    16. The height of the Bunsen lamp device can be adjusted manually according to the height of the helmet when it is placed at 45 degrees.
    17. The burner can be moved to the middle part of the high point of the helmet and automatically cut off the combustion gas source after 15 seconds.
    18.The combustion area is equipped with closed tempered glass observation door, which can be used for the tester to observe the test process and avoid the interference of external gas flow.

    Маҳсулоти  параметрҳои аз Fire Helmet Fire Resistance Combustion Test Device 

     Стандарт  Маҷмаи 44: 2004, NFPA 1971-2007: 8.3
     Ариза  њифзи бехатарии
     андоза  1400 мм (W) X 700 мм (D) X 1800 мм (H)
     тарозу  215KG
     талаботи барќї  220V, 30A
     талаботи газ  гази пропан

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