Ċina Multi-funzjoni ta 'kombustjoni Manifatturi Instron u Fornituri | orizzont

Multi-funzjoni Kombustjoni Instron

Deskrizzjoni fil-qosor:

Il jittestja kombustjoni multi-funzjonali hija prinċipalment użata biex jikxfu l-fjammabbiltà ta 'tessuti vertikali vertikali u l-komponenti fit-tarf u tarf tal-qiegħ


  • Min.order Kwantità: 1 unità
  • Prezz: negozjabbli
  • Pakkett: Plywood Kawża
  • Mudell: SL822
  • Istandards: BS 5438: 1976, BS 5438: 1989, ISO 6940: 2004, CSN EN 1101: 1995
  • Dettall tal-prodott

    prodott Tags

    Touch Screen Multi-funzjoni kombustjoni Instron għall Issib Fjammabbiltà

    Introduzzjoni tal-prodott tal-  Multi-funzjoni Kombustjoni Instron

    The multi-functional combustion tester is mainly used to detect the flammability of vertical vertical textiles and components at the edge and bottom edge, and also to detect the fabric and fabric combination of pajamas, the flame retardant performance of curtains and curtains, protective clothing fabrics; Many domestic and international testing standards.

    Parametri Prodott ta 'l-  Multi-funzjoni Kombustjoni Instron

    1.Floor-standing base, no need to be placed on the console, convenient for operators to use;
    2.Large combustion frame for hanging a variety of test pin frames to meet different test standards;
    3.Equipped with 7 test needle frames and 1 set of stainless steel sample holders to meet national testing standards;
    4.The roller screw adjusts the burner forward and backward, and the burner height can be adjusted by the knob;
    5.One-button ignition method, using spark ignition;
    6.Butane and propane combustion gases can be programmed;
    7.The flame angle indicator disc can display the operating angle;

    Karatteristika tal-Prodott u Applikazzjoni ta 'l  Multi-funzjoni Kombustjoni Instron

    1.The host comes with a flame height gauge to detect the vertical flame height;
    2.Stepper motor drive mode, which can drive the burner movement;
    3.The ignition device has an angular accuracy of 0.18 degrees and is accurately positioned;
    4.The host adopts an outdoor operation mode to protect testers' safety;
    5.Support arm system, which can rotate and adjust the control box for easy operation;
    6.The touch screen operation mode is convenient for the operator to use;
    7.1 Human-machine interface and PLC control mode, pre-made national test standards.
    Applikazzjoni: Il jittestja kombustjoni multi-funzjonali hija prinċipalment użata biex jikxfu l-fjammabbiltà ta 'tessuti vertikali vertikali u l-komponenti fit-tarf u tarf tal-qiegħ

    Dettalji tal-Prodott tal-  l- Multi-funzjoni Kombustjoni Instron

    Standards oħra tat-test: 95/28 / test tan-nar ġewwa tal-karozzi KE Ewropew
    BS Brittaniċi Assoċjazzjoni Istandards: BS 5438: 1976, BS 5438: 1989
    ISO Organizzazzjoni Internazzjonali għall-Istandardizzazzjoni: ISO 6940: 2004, ISO 6941: 2003, ISO 10047: 1993
    EN Ewropea standard: CSN EN 1101: 1995, CSN EN 1102: 2016, CSN EN 1103: 2005, CSN EN 13772: 2011, CSN EN 14878: 2007
    GB Ċina standard: GB / T 5456: 2009, GB / T 8745: 2001, GB / T 8746: 2009
    Dimensjoni: 650mm (W) x 1200mm x (H) × 900mm (D)
    67kg: Piż
    ħtiġijiet ta 'installazzjoni
    Ħtiġiet ta 'enerġija: 220 V, 5 Amps
    temperatura ambjentali: 10 ° C sa 35 ° C
    gass Ħidma: butan jew propan

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