Kína CAMI Infant Dummy framleiðendum og birgjum | Skyline

CAMI Infant Dummy

Stutt lýsing:

This dummy is based upon a leather skeleton, which has approximately the external shape of the dummy when viewed frontally.

  • Min.Order Magn: 1 eining
  • Verð: samningsatriði
  • Pakki: Krossviður Case
  • Gerð: SL-T610
  • Staðlar: ASTM F2088,ASTM F2167,ASTM F833
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    Baby Safety Testing Equipment CAMI Infant Dummy börn Dummy Mark I / Mark II

    Product kynning á Cami Infant Dummy
    This dummy is based upon a leather skeleton, which has approximately the external shape of the dummy when viewed frontally. Cast lead or aluminum blocks are attached to the head, upper and lower arms, upper and lower parts of the torso and upper and lower legs to approximate the mass distribution of the corresponding infant. The aluminum blocks are used on arms and legs to prevent reverse motion at elbows and knees. These weights are riveted to the skeleton. 

    Vara breytur í Cami Infant Dummy

     Atriði CAMI Newborn Dummy Mark I CAMI Infant Dummy Mark II
     Model (Barn)  (6 mánaða)
     þyngd 7,5 pund eða 3,4 kg 17,5 pund eða 7.94 kg
     Head Ummál 13,80 í eða 35.05 cm 17.00 í eða 43.18 cm
     Bringa Ummál 13,70 í eða 34.80 cm /
     Waist / 17.50 í eða 44.45 cm
    19.85 í eða 50.42 cm 26.25 í eða 66.68 cm
     sitjandi Hæð / 17.50 í eða 44.45 cm
     umbúðir ál kassi
     Mál 70 * 31 * 17 cm
     staðlar ASTM F2088, ASTM F2167, ASTM F833 ASTM F2012, ASTM F404
    ASTM F2088,ASTM F2167
    ASTM F833-2013b,ASTM F2194-13a
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